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Dazai carried drunk Chuuya to his bed. ,,What the fuck do you think you're doing you idiot?! I have my fucking legs, I can walk!" Chuuya yelled at him.

,,As you want." Dazai smirked. As Chuuya's feet touched the ground, he started to feel dizzy and fell. Dazai caught him only to get yelled at again. ,,Do you really think I'm dumb? I know you did this!"

It made Dazai laugh a bit. He help Chuuya stand up, but it didn't take him long to fall again. ,,See? You're too drunk to walk." He said and took the short one in his arms again, finally carrying him to their bedroom.

He gently placed the drunk ginger on the bed, watched him for a while, thinking how cute the other is, then stood up, wanting to leave and continue playing the game with the others.

,,Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Chuuya held his hand and said these words pretty softly. ,,You're not leaving me, are you?" Dazai smiled and sat on the bed. ,,No. I won't leave you."


Ranpo went outside only to see his friend Poe sitting there on the ground, watching the night sky with his raccoon in his lap.

,,You're gonna catch cold if you stay here like this." Poe turned around quickly. ,,Ranpo..... I didn't hear you coming." He whispered, half of his mind wished that the other didn't hear it. But Ranpo did. ,,Is everything allright? You sound kind of sad." He said next to the other.

,,Oh.... do I?...... I mean...... yeah I'm fine." He turned around so his face won't be visible. In less than a second he felt Ranpo's hand on his shoulder. ,,You really think I'll believe you this?"

No. He didn't. But he didn't want to talk about it. Or he did? He was so confused. ,,It's just that...." he took a few seconds to talk about the right words. ,,that book.... you......." he took a second or two again, then said with a voice so quiet so it was hard to hear what he said ,,You weren't supposed to figure that one out."

Now it was Ranpo who was confused. This definitely was the hardest case he ever solved. And he was proud of himself, of course. So why did it make him a little sad to hear these words? Shouldn't he be even more proud of himself?

,,I just wanted to win over you at least once. I really believed that I'll do it this time. But I guess it still wasn't enough." Poe whispered, then stood up and wanted to leave. But before he could, he felt a grip on his hand.

Ranpo was looking right into his eyes that were uncovered because the wind blew the hair away from his face. ,,I think you could beat anybody with this. Anybody except me."

The taller one didn't know how to feel about these words. Was it meant as acknowledgment - Ranpo telling him that almost nobody would solve this one - or was he laughing at him - telling that he's still not good enough to beat him?

Ranpo continued. ,,You improved a lot since we first met. The fact you didn't win over me doesn't mean that you're not good. Actually you're the only person who challenged me and didn't bore me to the point I fall asleep."

So he meant it in a good way?

,,I can't wait for another case from you." Ranpo smiled. ,,I'll work hard." Poe whispered, being unsure if the other actually heard it or not.

Suddenly the two boys heard some noises from inside, then Atsushi's scream. They both ran inside to see drunk Akutagawa yelling at Atsushi for unknown reason, Gin and Higuchi trying to calm him down meanwhile Yosano protecting Atsushi, Kenji taking photos with a not-a-really-new camera. It was one of those where you need a film to take the photos to be exact.

The others were just panicking around.

,,Akutagawa..... did I.... did I do something wrong?" Atsushi, who still didn't understand what's actually happening, asked.

,,So you don't know? Yesterday you fell asleep on me. Do you know how uncomfortable it was to sleep with you laying on me?"

,,Then why didn't you wake me up?" Atsushi asked, being even more confused. The dark haired one blushed at remembering how cute the other was while sleeping.

,,You would be mad at me."

,,No. I wouldn't. I would understand that." Atsushi answered, being a little bit sad. He tried his best to be nice and kind to everyone so why did Akutagawa view him like this now? Did he ever do something to hurt him or so?

Poor Atsushi just didn't understand that Akutagawa said it just because he couldn't admit that sleeping Jinko was just too cute to be woken up.

,,Whatever." Was the only thing Akutagawa said before leaving- he could've fight with the other for like weeks, but he knew he'd lose this one and he didn't want to be forced to admit that Atsushi is just too cute.

He was even glad that Dazai wasn't there, because he would start making fun of him immediately.


Chuuya woke up and it took him some time to realise where he is and what happened. When he realised that he's in a tight hug with Dazai.... and that he probably got pretty drunk yesterday... he pushed the other away and got out of bed immediately.

,,Chuuya! You woke me up you idiot." He heard a tired yawn from the other, then saw him turn around, cuddle up with a blanket and keep sleeping.


The moment he opened the kitchen door, he heard Atsushi talking to his phone.

,,Hey, Kyouka.... I have to go, my friend is awake already." He said and hung up.

Chuuya gave him a questioning look and the other started explaining.

,,It's Kyouka, my little sister. ... I mean step sister, we both are adopted since our parents couldn't have their own children. She wanted me to take her here, but she's so innocent and you saw yesterday- we're drinking, watching horrors and so on so I don't really want to take her here yet." He said and smiled. ,,But maybe she's gonna come here - only for a few days. She really wanted to."

Guys. Really big thanks for all the support you give me. I'm not really good at writing + my English isn't the best so I really didn't expect this thing to be successful and it surprised me a lot.

Just wanna say that every vote and every comment make me feel much better about myself and it makes me want to continue writing this shit. I know it's not that good but your support really makes me feel like what I'm doing has any meaning, no matter if it actually does or not.

Thank you.

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