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The lesson was so boring. So damn boring. Chuuya was just sitting there, looking to nowhere, waiting for this hell to end so he could go home. Oh how much he hated this whole place and all the people here. They all were so fake so it was annoying, they even seemed as some robots, as they all were almost the same. The only one who didn't want to be just like them was Chuuya, they all said that he's a weirdo and didn't even talk to him so much, which, to be honest, didn't really bother him.

Finally he heard the bell telling that the classes ended. Finally he can go home instead of suffering here. ,,See you tomorrow." Said teacher and after a minute, when all the students were packing their things, he also added something about a transfered student, but Chuuya didn't really pay too much attention to that. All he wanted was to get away from there.

He ignores all those weird looks all those fake people gave him, he only wanted to get something to eat and then get home as soon as possible. He went to a nearest shop to buy some cheap burger, it didn't really taste the best, but it was food so he ate it, then went home.

Of course he didn't make some shitty studying, he didn't really care about it that much. He just lied on his bed watching tv. But just a few minutes passed and he caught himself thinking about that transferred guy. He probably will be just another person annoying the shit outta him, just like the others.

But if he'd say that he's not curious, he would actually lie. Things like this didn't happen often at all, it actually was pretty rare. He wondered what the new guy is gonna be like, but he didn't really have some high hopes of befriending him since he was hated by the whole school.

Why did they hate him? He wasn't sure of the real reason. Some of them said he's weird, because of denying to hold onto what's trending and not being just like the others, some said that he's a troublemaker and that they don't want to get into problems, but there actually were many more rumours about him. Maybe it was because of his harsh behaviour, because he got angry so easily. And maybe there was any other reason. But the only thing he knew was that asking them has absolutely no point, since they would never give him a proper answer.


The next day he woke up just to find out that his phone didn't ring to wake him up at time so now he's late. Not like he really cared. He just took his clothes on, take some snack and his half empty bag, then went to school.

As predicted, he was about 15 minutes late. He just went to a classroom, knocked on the door, apologised for oversleeping and looked at his empty desk, then he looked at the desk in front of his. A brown haired boy was sitting there, looking right into his eyes. That must be that new student.

Chuuya just sat down to his desk and minded his own business, as he always does. He didn't pay too much attention to a teacher in the beginning, but after the teacher started yelling at him for not doing what he should, he just started to concentrate on studying, even if he really had to force himself to.

He heard teacher telling them to write some things from the board to their books, but he couldn't see what's written there. The back of new guy's head was all he could see. ,,Hey new boy, can you move a little bit? I can't see a single shit." He said harshly and the brown haired guy turned around. ,,The name's Dazai Osamu" He said, ignoring how harshly ginger's voice sounded. ,,I didn't ask for your fucking name, I just told you to move so I could see what's written on the fucking board."

The fact that he didn't really talk but yell, he realised when teacher told him to calm down a bit. All he said now was simple ,,Fuck."

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