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,,Dazai. Are you listening?" ,,What?" Oda sighted. ,,What's with you?" Dazai finally realised, that he got lost in his thoughts. He was kinda surprised by his own self, because he never really was the type to do this. And even more he was surprised, when he realised, what, or to be more exact, who was he thinking about. Suddenly, he blushed at the thought about a ginger boy. ,,Not gonna repeat it, you say what you're thinking about." Even if he trusted his friend a lot, he wasn't sure of how he's about to react. He didn't even tell Oda that he likes boys. He was just thinking to find the right words.

,,I see, it's really serious, isn't it?" Oda said after a while of the both of them being quiet. ,,Not really. It's just that... as I came to that class, there was one boy, Chuuya... I talked to him and he seemed fine.... but all his classmates seems to hate him, I don't know why." Dazai answered. Odasaku already knew it wasn't all. He knew Dazai too well and it was not like him to care for random people he just met or even get lost in his thoughts because of them. Even if they knew each other for years, he never saw Dazai doing something like this. ,,Oh." Was all he said. He didn't know what to answer. He wasn't sure if there's something else actually bothering his best friend and he was not comfortable telling him, or it really had something to do with that boy.

Oda was about to leave a room, but Dazai stopped him. ,,You won't even give me some advice or something?" He really acted weird. ,,I haven't saw anybody from your classroom and don't know a thing about that boy, all I can tell you is to try talking to him and his classmates as well, maybe you'll figure something out." Then he left the room.


The next day Dazai came to school earlier. He really felt like he can't live without knowing, why are everyone so mean to that ginger. He believed that getting to know his new classmates and maybe befriending them would make them finally answer his questions.

The moment he entered the classroom, all eyes were on him. There were not many students yet, only a group of 3. And one of them was that girl that talked to him the previous day. The first thing he did was putting his things on his desk, then he was thinking for a while how to start a conversation with them. Luckily he didn't have to, since the three of them were already greeting him. He pretended to be interested in them, but something about these people was making him a bit uncomfortable. He didn't know what it was, but something was weird about them. And he didn't like it.


This time Chuuya woke up a bit earlier. Actually it was a bit way too early, but whatever he did, he was not able to fall asleep anymore. He decided to give up and just go to school a bit earlier today, which was not like him at all. But something was different, and it was the fact that he's not alone anymore. When he thought about what happened yesterday, he actually was kind of unsure of what he should think. He was sure that Dazai was not just like the other classmates of his, he was actually pretty nice person to talk to and even if there was something unexplainable that was pissing him off, he still was actually starting to think about him as his friend.

But it was not as beautiful as it might seem. There was a hidden part of his mind, that even Chuuya himself was not able to see clearly. The fact that some very small piece of his soul is starting to fear losing his one and only friend. He just didn't want that to happen, even if he didn't mind being enemies with anybody else, the two of them hating each other just wouldn't feel right. Chuuya was actually kind of worried that the other classmates will change Dazai, make him the same as they are and make him hate Chuuya.

It was a first time in a very long time when he woke up so early, which was a pleasant change since he didn't have to hurry up and had a lot more time for his routine. He didn't even remember having a proper breakfast.

When he came to school, he was wondering, if his friend is there already and the moment he came to a classroom, he saw him. Talking to the other classmates. The moment he entered, the whole group that has actually kind of grown since Dazai came there, was looking at him with these looks full of hate. And Dazai has that look as well.

,,Hi Dazai-san" He said, expected the other male to answer, but nothing happened. Dazai was already talking to the rest of group and laughed with them. Chuuya didn't understand what was happening, what was the pain he felt, even if he actually didn't admit even to his own self that he actually feels something in a situation like this. He didn't have a single reason to care. They only talked for a few hours. How could he be so dumb to think that they are friends?


But Chuuya was not the only one that was somehow confused deep inside of his mind. Dazai, even if his acting skills were quite nice so nobody noticed anything, felt so bad when he saw Chuuya leaving him going to his seat and taking his headphones on to avoid contact with anybody. He wanted to talk to him so much. He wanted to explain that all and, even if he thought it was a bit too embarrassing, he kinda even wanted to hug him. Every single one time he looked at him while pretending to be having fun with these dumbasses, he felt a tiny bit worse. Chuuya seemed so alone and kind of sad as he was sitting on his place with headphones on, minding nothing but his own business. He felt bad, because they could've been having fun together instead, but they didn't. And most importantly, because it was his and only his fault. Because if he wasn't so curious about what was happening, he could have a nice friend. But what if Chuuya will start hating him for this? But he couldn't give up yet. Not as long as he didn't know the true. He gave Chuuya last sad look, then tried not to pay any attention to him. But it was too easy to say and too hard to do. He felt like he's about to start screaming, these dumbasses didn't say a single smart thing from the moment he met them and they were annoying the shit out of him. But even this annoyed, Dazai was not the kind of person to give up easily.


As the lesson started, Chuuya didn't even notice that teacher came into their classroom. But he didn't really care untill he started yelling at him to start paying attention already. ,,Boring as usually. This will never change." He said to himself as he opened book to pretend that he's workibg, but in reality he didn't get himself to write a single letter.

Ok, sorry for a short chapter, still hope u like it and marry Christmas to everyone ~

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