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The two boys were standing in front of Dazai's door, Dazai searching for his keys in his bag for like 5 minutes. Chuuya was already getting annoyed. ,,I think I forgot my keys." Dazai finally admitted. Chuuya only sighted and took a short wire out of his pocket. ,,move." He said and started unlocking the door with it. It took him about 2 minutes, but he did it. ,,Next time just say you forgot them instead of pretending to search for your keys, dumbass"

Dazai felt a little stupid after Chuuya saying so, but he didn't want anybody to step on him. ,,I thought I have them." He said with much more confidence than he actually had. Chuuya only sighted.

,,Odasaku is not here yet, but he should come soon. You don't mind waiting for him, do you?" Dazai asked. ,,Ugh... I guess I don't have anything better to do anyway." Chuuya did act a little annoyed again and no matter how confident Dazai seemed to be, anywhere deep inside he was seriously worried that he did something wrong. But at the same time he was glad for Chuuya waiting.

,,Ok Chuuya, make yourself at home" he sang cheerfully while talking off his shoes. (Bruh I kinda think he would be too lazy to take them off so he wouldn't but nevermind)

,,Do you want something to drink?" Dazai asked and Chuuya wanted to answer wine so badly. But he knew that he has to get home today and on his own, that's why he rather decided for coffee. ,,Ok, wait for it. You can go to a living room."

Chuuya acted as if he was a little angry but why? He was not angry. He actually was pretty happy for being here with Dazai. But at the same time he couldn't help himself. There was some part of his mind forcing him to act like this for unknown reason.

Dazai didn't take too long  time to come with two cups of coffee. One placed on a small table in front of Chuuya, the second on the other side, close to the second armchair. Then he took
a seat.

The two males were sitting there, facing each other, waiting for their coffees to get cool enough to be drinkable. None of them knew what to say now. The silence was so annoying yet Dazai didn't want to just turn on the TV and sit there. He wanted to talk to the other and if possible, get to know him better.

,,Hey where did you actually move from?" Chuuya asked out of nothing. ,,Yokohama." (Bruh my fucked up brain wanted me to write Hiroshima, but then I realised it's probably not a good joke xD)

,,I also had there many friends. I kinda hope I can introduce you to then one day." Dazai looked so happy talking about them. And Chuuya was surprised by his words. Does Dazai want him to meet his friends? That actually sounds as a nice idea. ,,Ango and Odasaku used to live there as well before we moved here for school"

Before Chuuya could ask or say anything, he heard a clicking sound, then opening door. ,,Odasaku!" ,,Did something happen? You seems happier than usual." Odasaku smiles calmly. ,,I want to introduce you to somebody." And Odasaku already knew. ,,You mean that ginger boy from you school?"

Dazai's eyes widened and he blushed a little. ,,How do you know?" Chuuya had to chuckle a little. ,,You didn't stop talking about him for a while." He admitted. This made him blush even more. Chuuya heard what Odasaku said and what if he'll think about it in kind of a wrong way?

Hearing this really made Chuuya a little surprised. Did Dazai really talk about him that much?

,,Also it's nice to finally meet you Chuuya." He smiled. ,,Ye, same." Chuuya said with a little careless voice.

Looking at these two, Odasaku was not able to stop thinking that these two would be a nice couple. And the more they talked, the more he was sure of this thing.

They didn't even talk about some ,get to know the other' things, they just started joking around and telling funny stories.

,,Chuuya I have to introduce you to my friends from Yokohama. I'm sure they will love you! But you know what, you should watch your things once you go there. On a last party there was somebody who stole random things from everyone." Dazai laughed. ,,Somebody? It was you and Ranpo figured it out in 5 seconds." Odasaku corrected Dazai's story. ,,I just wanted it to be more adventure." Dazai blushed and tried to talk himself out of this embarrassing situation. ,,What the fuck." Was the only thing Chuuya answered, then he took a sip of his coffee, but he quickly spitted it out right into Dazai's face.

Dazai looked surprised. ,,Dumbass the coffe tastes like a water from dirty river!" Chuuya yelled at Dazai. ,,You really should learn how to make a coffe." Odasaku was now just sitting there, watching the ,perfect couple'.

,,I usually make it better than this! This one was one mistake in 100 tries!" Dazai was trying to defend himself while starting to blush even more. ,,Anyways I'm going to change my clothes because some dumbass had to spit a coffee on it." He said, hiding embarrassment with anger, then left. ,,Don't forget to commit a suicide." Oda added jokingly.

He didn't expect Dazai to answer. ,,Suicide? Did I hear suicide? Of course I wanna commit a double suicide with a beautiful woman one day!" He said with his basic cheerful tone, then closed the door behind himself.

,,I have one advice for you, Chuuya." Odasaku said calmly and looked ginger into eyes. ,,Be careful about who you are going to live with one day." Chuuya obviously didn't understand it in THAT meaning, but it didn't really matter. He just nodded and laughed at Dazai and his acts.

,,It was nice to meet you Odasaku, I hope I'll get to see you again soon but I have to go now." Chuuya said after few more jokes and stories.

,,Ok, see you" Oda answered. Chuuya left and Dazai went out with him. ,,Tomorrow at school. I'll come early." Chuuya said. Dazai didn't know how much Chuuya did for him by just coming early - at least compared to what he did or would do for others. ,,Ok. See ya." They both smiled at each other and Chuuya gave Dazai a weak friendly punch into a shoulder.

Dazai watched Chuuya leaving. Why? Why he didn't go inside? What was it with him?

Odasaku smiled, looking out of window and watching him. He knew Dazai more that Dazai himself did. He knew that he's starting to have feelings for Chuuya. And he knew Dazai will probably fall for him very soon.

Ok. Another chapter. Not gonna lie it was fun to write this one so I hope it's fun to read as well. Ye I know that my writing is not the best but I'm trying to improve and I hope it's readable xD.

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