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Chuuya came home and looked at his hand. Then he remembered all the things that happened today, seeing Dazai's phone number, a little bit blurred but still easy to read. Something as if was forcing him to smile.  He saved the number.


Next day Chuuya did as he told. He really woke up early. But when is Dazai going to come to school? Even when the most of classmates would not want to start a fight with him or something, it still was not a pleasant thing to be there without anybody to talk. To be more exact, it sucked to be there without Dazai. Chuuya didn't want to wait. But he didn't want to break his promise either. That's why he decided to surprise Dazai.


Dazai was kind of worried of Chuuya oversleeping. Yes, he remembered the promise, but he also saw Chuuya coming late almost every day and he didn't want to be at school without his protector for a single minute. (Getting a gun would solve this problem the best tho) Long said short, he was taking a long time.


After standing in front of Dazai's house for about 20 minutes, Chuuya was getting annoyed. Dazai did either go very early or the both of them will probably be a little bit late since the first lesson should start in 15 minutes and the way was not that short to walk. Anyway Chuuya didn't want to wait anymore and that's when he remembered that he has Dazai's number. He took out the phone and called him.

It seemed like he's not going to picked up so Chuuya wanted to give it up and go to school, but then he heard a clicking sound. And Dazai's voice. ,,Hello there Chuuya!" ,,Where are you?" ,,At home." ,,Then come out already, I'm waiting for about half an hour here!" Dazai's eyes widened when he looked out of window and really saw Chuuya standing there. ,,Ok, just a minute." ,,You already get too many minutes, come already before I really get mad." Chuuya said with annoyed voice.


,,Finally. I really thought I'm gonna die before you come out of your fucking home." Chuuya was kinda pissed off, but Dazai didn't seem to care at all. ,,Oh you wanna die too? Will you commit a double suicide with me?" ,,No please don't start with this again." Chuuya started walking away, annoyed. Dazai followed him immediately. ,,Sounds like no?" He asked, still having a small hope of somebody committing a double suicide with him. ,,Do you think I am dumb or something?" Damn. He really was getting angry. ,,Ok ok, I get it, no need to get mad Chuuya" But these words were making Chuuya even more annoyed for some reason. Let's just say, for Chuuya, there was something weird about Dazai. He had something that nobody else. Chuuya knew it's not his words what's pissing him off - at least it was not the main reason. There was something he couldn't describe. Every time he saw the taller boy, every time he heard his voice, there was something that didn't feel right. But he couldn't figure out what is it. This was a new thing, it was the first time this was happening and it was just weird.

Chuuya continued walking to school without noticing Dazai. But the taller boy was all the time very close behind him, trying to convince him to stop being mad and talk to him.

,,Chuuya! Why are you not answering?"

,,Stop being so mean Chuuya! You're no fun!"

,,Chuuya! Can you hear me?"

,,Why do you always get so angry?"

Damn why was he even talking to that boy? He was so annoying!

,,Chuuya! Come on! Answeeeeeer meeee"

,,If I start talking to you, will you stop annoying?" Chuuya stopped and turned around to face the other. ,,Yes! So you're talking to me again?" He asked with hope in his eyes. ,,Fine." Chuuya answered, now without a single emotion in his voice. Then turned around and continued walking to school.


As the two boys entered their classroom, Chuuya sat in his desk and Dazai turned his chair around to face the other boy. His brown eyes met with ginger's blue ones. How can somebody who's angry 24/7 have such kind looking eyes?

If there were no people around, Dazai would probably slap himself when he realised that he's admiring Chuuya's eyes deep in his thoughts. These truly were the most beautiful eyes he ever saw.

Dazai felt his cheeks getting warmer so he moved his eyes away from the other boy, hoping it will help him not to blush. But it didn't and Chuuya caught himself thinking that slightly flushed Dazai looks really cute. Now both of them realised, how much quiet the place is since the most of their classmates spent all the free time out of classroom and they were alone there.

None of them was able to think about something to say to break that silence, which was getting uncomfortable.

Something inside of his mind was forcing Dazai to look into Chuuya's eyes again. These beautiful blue eyes.

Suddenly the two boys heard a sound of bell, telling them about a beginning of the first lesson, which was followed by all the classmates entering the room, then their teacher.

Chuuya was kinda confused about the thing that happened. Something about the way their eyes met and Dazai's face turned slightly red was... weird? He didn't know the right word to describe it. He couldn't say that he hated the thing that happened, but he didn't like it either since it was weird.

But he still couldn't get it out of his mind. He actually anywhere deep inside even though that the other has a very beautiful eyes, but he was not the kind of person to admit such thing.

But Chuuya was not the only person that was lost in his thoughts. Dazai was not able to stop thinking about the thing that happened as well. Why did he like the other boy's eyes so much? Maybe because he seems to be so harsh and rough, but his eyes said pretty much opposite. His eyes looked kind and calm. Something about this was actually making Dazai feel relaxed and safe. He didn't admit it, but anywhere deep inside he hoped so much to be able to see Chuuya's softer side one day.

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