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,,Why..... why him..."

Dazai looked at the file with photo of a beautiful ginger guy on it.

,,You know why you do this job, right?" Mori answered.

,,But why.... What has he done to you?" He couldn't believe it. No way. He can't kill Chuuya.

,,He used to be a part of a street gang, a leader to be exact. They were quite a troublesome group and despite them being a bunch of kids, they somehow managed to get a very good weapons, and even killed many of our men. We already got everyone from this group.... Except for him. He has always been too careful. We never got close enough. But with you, this job can finally be done. This is why I decided to take you in again, train you and pay you for something somebody else can do more effectively. Because unlike them, you may not be a real professional, but we don't have anyone who can kill him. He drops his guard down way too rarely, but seemed to have a strange weak spot for you."

Now it made perfect sense. How he was such a good fighter. The rumours about him being dangerous. The strange way he was acting. Everything.

,,But we no longer are close."

Dazai said, even he himself wasn't sure if it was to protect Chuuya or because it was true.

,,I believe you can fix that."

,,no..... and even if I did, I don't wanna hurt Chuuya." He said and for the first time, Mori heard his voice get that tone of somebody who has already lost.

,,You are aware that if you refuse, you will automatically become a traitor and an enemy of the Port Mafia, right? And you should know already, what we do to traitors."

Dazai looked at the floor, couldn't even look at Mori anymore. His eyes started to tear up. ,,I understand."


Chuuya was sitting on a roof top, eating his lunch peacefully. This peace was uninterrupted for a while, until a certain bandaged guy came.

What is he doing here?

Since we stopped being friends, I came here every break but never saw him here.

But he wasn't alone. There was a whole group of people behind him and Chuuya noticed that they're holding weapons, mostly just some knives or heavy things, but like 2 or 3 of them also had small guns.

What's going on?

Why do they bring guns to school?

And what are they doing here?

What do they want?

Chuuya was getting so unsure.

Does it mean that the mafia will get me after all?

But is it really possible that all my classmates are working for Mori?

If it's so, they must have been working for him for quite a while now, he wouldn't send them to kill me.

But if it really is so, how did they get the fighting skills?

Mori was smart. He would never send somebody to a mission that he has no chance to fulfill.

But they couldn't get such a blowup since the last time I fought them.

But they also didn't have guns before.

And there wasn't too much of them.

But still.

It doesn't make sense.

But what if they were ordered to pretend they're not much experienced in fight?

Did they trick me?

Chuuya's heart broke at the realisation.

And what is Dazai doing with them?

Does it mean he's on their side?

Is he supposed to be the one to kill me?

It can't be...

Chuuya was spacing out for a while, but when he came back to reality, he realised that he was wrong and a small hope shined, fixing his broken heart.

They're attacking Dazai.

I thought they gave up on bullying him already.

Do they want revenge?

Why did they take guns?

They wanna kill him.

I have to do something.

Before Chuuya even got the chance to do anything, those guys shot at Dazai already. But he dodged the bullets and with elegance Chuuya never saw beg in his life, he approached one of them, gave him a very hard punch to the back of his head and before that guy fell to the ground, he tore his gun out in f his hands.

Chuuya watched the scene, stunned. But it didn't mean Dazai won this fight already. The others ran towards him like hyenas.

There are too many of them.

No matter how much did his skills improve, there's no way he can do this.

No way ANYONE can do this.

He could have left Dazai deal with it himself. But he decided not to. He approached them and got a gun from one of them.

All these seemingly innocent students who managed to get guns somehow, were now laying on the floor dead.

Dazai and Chuuya just stared at each other, Dazai couldn't believe that Chuuya actually came and helped him for no reason at all. He would never admit it, but he wouldn't win this fight all by himself.

Chuuya was surprised that they did it, too.

,,Where did you get these skills?" He asked, but instead of Dazai's answer, he heard footsteps approaching them from the stairs.

,,Fuck." Dazai took his hand out of instinct and they ran to the opposite entrance, then out of school. They have to run. They're realise that they were the ones who murdered these students.


Now they were far enough. They finally could stop running when they got into one of the small backstreets. Now they looked at each other and realised they were holding hands the whole way. Chuuya quickly pulled away and tried to organise his thoughts.

What did just happen...

He didn't leave me there after the fight.

Are we not enemies anymore?

He held my hand.

Despite the fact that they probably just ruined their lives by this and they'll have to be on run from now on since they didn't have time to hide evidence at all, Dazai smiled.

,,Does this mean we are no longer enemies?" Chuuya asked. It wasn't really a question directed to Dazai, more like he needed to say it out loud to help organise the whole mess in his mind.

,,I never wanted to be your enemy, Chuuya."

The short ginger's eyes widened, but only for a second before he went back to normal. He was a complete mess on the inside now, but somehow still managed to keep his cool.

,,where did you learn to fight like this?"

He never knew such a simple question can ruin all the hopes again.

Once again I wanna apologise for inactivity. Also thanks so much for still being here, all the support means so much.

Also I kinda wanna finish this story already bcs it's been quite cliche and messy from the very beginning and I'm not really happy with that.

And once I stop being this demotivated, I wanna make a much better ff, already have it planned and stuff.

(bruh demotivation is a bitch, I literally sit on my bed and stare all day for no reason)

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