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Finally the classes ended, all the students were packing their things and running out of school to get home as soon as possible. Only one of them stood in a classroom. It was noone else than Chuuya, waiting for Dazai to pack his things. When he did, there was nobody else in the classroom except for these two and a teacher. ,,You really can't spped it up a bit?" Chuuya said with annoyed voice, but there was a noticable change in it. His voice sound annoyed, but not agressive. Dazai, now with all the things packed, finally stood up prepared to go. ,,Then why are you waiting?" Dazai was actually really surprised by Chuuya waiting for him. But if something made him even more surprised, it was what Chuuya answered. ,,If I won't wait for you, they will. I mean if you mind me doing you such a big favour, I can calmly walk home by myself and let them beat you up. It's just your choice."

Dazai's eyes widened a bit. Does Chuuya want to mess with his classmates this much? He must really hate them.

,,I guess.. thank you Chuuya." He smiled at Chuuya, pink colour crawling on his cheeks. ,,Ok, let's just go instead of standing here and wasting time." Chuuya's voice still was cold. It seemed like he didn't notice Dazai's barely visible blush, but he did. When he turned around, signing that they should go, he coulnd't not smile at the thought of blushing Dazai. He wanted to slap himself for that. Just today in the morning they were FUCKING ENEMIES!

They walked outside alongside each other, their classmates waiting outside for Dazai to beat him up now changed their minds and started to leave. After all, they were not too stupid and getting their asses beaten up was enough for once, they didn't need or want it again and they seemed to learn their lesson not to attack Dazai when Chuuya is close.

,,Just run away, idiots" Chuuya couldn't not laugh at them. ,,I'm not surprised they don't want to fight you, I wouldn't either." Again, this made Chuuya smile a little bit and he wanted to slap himself for that again. Actually it was his first time talking to Dazai and not getting angry by every single word he says. It felt weird.

About 5 minutes they walked without a singke word and Dazai couldn't stand that silence anymore, he was thinking about something smart to start a conversation about. And he remembered the thing he wanted to know. The thing he suffered so much for these days. ,,Chuuya?" ,,What do you want?" He didn't even sound that annoyed this time.

,,These dumb bitches said that you did beat them up some time ago." He kinda didn't know how to start. He finally got to talk to Chuuya and really didn't want to mess it all up and make him angry again. ,,That's true." Chuuya nodded. ,,Did they at least tell you what was the reason?" Chuuya asked.

Dazai renembered that moment when he was talking about this with these dumb bitches pretty well. ,,That one girl said that they made jokes on your height but meant it in a friendly way and you started attacking them." ,,And you believe them or what?" Chuuya's voice sounded now both annoyed and angry. ,,No, I mean... I think they were lying." It was true. Their expressions were so fake so Dazai could barely imagine them saying a single true world.

,,At least you're not completly dumb. Did they really say they meant it in a friendly way? I mean... can somebody mean saying that you're weird, stupid and you have no future, that you look like a fucking kid in a friendly way?" Chuuya was getting angry again, this time Dazai was not surprised and since he was mad at these bitches as well, he didn't really have the right to complain.

,,Also they don't do this for no reason, there still is something I didn't tell you about this. When all of us were new here, Perer seemed to be becoming some leader of the biggest group in our class. He was manipulating and abusing all of them, which was pretty obvious- he was borrowing their money and things without returning it, when he got into problem he blamed it on them and so on. That one bitch started doing the same and they became something like two leaders of that group, in which in a pretty short time was the whole class except me. They wanted me to joint them as well, but I refused, saying that I won't let them manipulate me as they are manipulating the rest of their classmates. That day they swore that they're going to make my life hell. First they started laughing at me for anything they got in their minds, they even wanted to attack me but they were too weak. I was defending myself and teacher came in, they all said that I am bullying them. And that's how it all got to this point."

Dazai was just staring at him with open mouth. This story made much bigger sense. It even suited their personalities and as a smart boy Dazai is, he also found many other proofs of Chuuya saying true. ,,I trust you." Chuuya stopped and surprised just stared at him. Dazai was the first one to do so.

After a few seconds he realised that he's standing there, looking at Dazai as if he was some awesome creature from another planet. ,,Thank you." He couldn't even make these words sound emotionless as other things he's saying.


,,Ok, here I am home." Dazai smiled. ,,Ok, see you tomorrow at school." Chuuya smiled. Now he didn't look like that Chuuya Dazai knew for all these days. He didn't look angry, annoyed or emotionless. ,,See you." Dazai smiled and wavwd goodbye to Chuuya as he walked into a building. ,Damn. Why is he so handsome when he's smiling?' Dazai thought and blusged even more.



,Hi Dazai." He heard Oda's voice and didn't take too long for Oda to get out of his room to greet his friend. ,,So how is it now between you and that ginger?" Oda asked curiously. (Or should I say curryously?)

,,His name is Chuuya." Dazai coukdn't stop smiling. ,,And he saved me from bullies today, then walked me home." ,,Ye, I saw you from window." Oda answered. ,And you looked like such a beautiful couple'  He added in his mind.

,,He also told me what I was wondering all the time." ,,Are you happy now?" Oda asked, more meant as a joke, but Dazai just nodded and went to his room. For a while he just kept sitting on his bed, smiling and thinking about all the things that happened that day.


When Chuuya got home, he felt happy. Now after all the things that happened he was not sure anymore if he should trust the way things are, but he wanted to. He wanted to finally have a friend in his classroom.

I just wanted to ask if you like this story and what you thibk about it because I want some feedback.

Also sorry if there are some gramatic mistakes, even when I learn English for years, it still is a foreing language for me so I hope you can tolerate it.

Kudos and comments are wellcomed.

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