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It was quite a chill morning for everyone except Chuuya, who couldn't get the challenge out of his mind. He was always saying to himself that he has plenty of time, but he also didn't want to fail the challenge. Or at least it was the only thing he would admit was bothering him about the challenge.

He was watching the taller male in silence. The other one didn't pay him any attention at all, he was talking to Atsushi.

,,Kyouka's gonna come here today." The white haired boy smiled. Everyone loved his younger sister, she was just so sweet and nice to everyone, but unlike other children she never was a crybaby so even those who were usually annoyed by children didn't have problem with her.


Yosano smiled, watching her best friend and the tall shy guy talking - they were away from the others because Poe felt more comfortable like this, so she didn't hear what they're talking about, but all of sudden, Ranpo did the thing everyone that know him would say is the least possible thing to happen.

Ranpo smiled and put the bag of chips closer to Poe. ,,You want some?"

Even Yosano, who's been his best friend for years, never saw him give anyone his snacks. If it was somebody else, this would seem pretty normal. But not when Ranpo did this. This was just so rare.

Poe shyly took some chips from the bag and ate them, even he didn't believe such thing actually happened.


Atsushi's phone rang. When he picked up, he heard his sister's voice saying, that she's gonna be there in 5 minutes. Then she hang up.

Now everyone were welcoming Kyouka. All the attention was on her, everyone were hugging her, patting her hair and so on. Only Chuuya and Poe, who never met her before, were kinda standing behind. But not for too long, since Ranpo took Poe's hand and dragged him into the crowd, introducing him to Atsushi's sister.

Chuuya watched them for few seconds, but then he realised that nobody will do the same with him, so he came there himself and introduced himself to the cute girl.

Thinking of this, the ginger was a little sad. He was dragged here by Dazai, but he was talking to his obviously best friend Atsushi and didn't notice Chuuya at all. He didn't understand, why does he even want to be noticed by Dazai, the two of them only fought all the time after all, but he wanted to talk to the other more. Even though the others didn't ignore him or something- he actually was getting closer with Akutagawa, Gin and Tachihara, but he still wanted to talk to the tall brunette more.

He didn't understand the way he felt while looking at him. It was something new. He didn't even want to admit he feels something like that or even think about what it means. He didn't like the imagination of it at all. But deep inside he knew that he feels something like that. It was weird tho. And the only one solution he could think of was to completely deny this feeling, force it to disappear so he can be a normal friend for him.


It was pretty late at night. The most people were already sleeping because Kyouka was tired and others didn't want her to miss something or wake her up so they decided to go to sleep early as well. But not all of them were actually sleeping.

Atsushi woke up and went to kitchen to get a glass of water when he noticed that the door to garden is open. He wanted to close it, thinking somebody forgot to do so, but then he noticed Dazai sitting on the pavement in that garden, watching the dark sky full of stars.

,,Hey." Atsushi whispered. Dazai tureen around calmly, as if he sensed his presence before the white haired boy spoke. ,,What are you doing here?" Atsushi asked.

,,Thinking." Was the only answer he got. Atsushi, even though he knew Dazai for years, he doesn't remember seeing him overthinking something. ,,Is something going on?" Atsushi sat beside the taller one.

,,Do you think that Chuuya actually hates me?" Dazai asked. Atsushi's eyes widened. ,,Why would he? Isn't he here because of you?"

,,Yes, we were pretty fine before, but the more we talk, the more we fight. In the beginning I thought it's funny to see him angry, but I guess I don't want him to be mad at me. Now we rarely talk and when we do, we're arguing."

Atsushi never was good at giving relationship advices, but even he did realise, what's happening between these two. ,,Then why don't you try talking to him more?"

,,He's always with the others and I don't wanna interrupt them." ,,He's not with them all the time." Atsuahi was getting the feeling that Dazai is trying to talk out of it, but with this one person you can never be sure since he's very good at acting.

,,He hates me anyway."

,,You're acting weird. I never saw you being like this." The more they talked, the more was Atsushi confused.

,,I just want me and Chuuya to be normal friends but I don't know if I can actually trust him because no matter what I say, he tries to use it against me. It gives me feeling that I can't say anything without being judged by him."

Atsushi was kind of confused. So does Dazai think that Chuuya hates him because every time he says something, Chuuya makes it into a fight? And is Dazai sad because of him and Chuuya being like this?


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