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The holidays were coming to an end, there's been last two weeks left. Kyouka was at home again (sorry for her not being there too much). Chuuya still felt like there's a lot of time for that deal. But actually he only wanted not to think about it. He didn't want to admit the way he feels, no matter how much was that feeling getting stronger.

He and Dazai still didn't talk too much, Dazai thinking that Chuuya hates him and feeling like he can't trust the ginger boy because he'll use everything against him, meanwhile Chuuya felt like Dazai's ignoring him.

Higuchi and Gin were almost in a relationship, but non of them ever admitted it - they were sleeping in one bed, cuddling every night, hugging each other quite a lot, sometimes Gin even kissed the blond girl's cheek. They actually had a secret crush on each other.

Ranpo was trying to get closer to Poe, but the tall boy was getting more and more introverted and shy.

Atsushi and Akutagawa... let's say that these two were fighting pretty often, mostly because Akutagawa always acted as if he hated the white haired boy. But without realising it, he only hated the way the other was making him feel.

Atsushi didn't want him and the emo boy to be enemies. He actually was happy every time they talked without arguing, he felt chilled and tensed up at the same time, whenever the other was around. He already realised, what all these things mean, but he didn't want it to be true so badly, because he thought that Akutagawa actually must really hate him.


,,I guess it's time for some drinking once again."

It's already been pretty late and the most people were already getting drunk.

All of sudden Dazai felt a grip on his shoulder. When he turned around, he saw the ginger boy. ,,Why are you ignoring me all the time?" Chuuya asked. ,,I am not ignoring you." Was the calm answer he got.

,,If I was ignoring you, I would pretend you don't exist at all. I wouldn't answer, when you're talking to me."

,,Then why do you never come and talk to me?" Chuuya was drunk. And that was what made him feel like he needs to let all these things finally out. He needed to have some talk with the other boy.

,,We would nothing but argue anyway. Every time I say something, you just turn it against me."

Now Dazai remembered all the things that happened before this holiday. They were pretty close. He remembered as Chuuya was protecting him. And how the two of them walked to school together every day. And all the fun they had together. ,,What actually happened with the friendship we had?" Dazai asked, more to himself that for anybody to answer it.

,,I guess it all is broken now. What are we? Some shitty enemies?" Was the answer he got from Chuuya. His voice sounded pretty aggressive, but there was something sad in it.

,,Guess its all what's left." The Ginger whispered, walking away. Few times he tripped or bumped into something because of being drunk. Then Tachihara helped him so he won't kill himself while just walking.


Dazai took the glass of whiskey and started stress drinking. He just wanted him and Chuuya to be back. The fact that Chuuya actually sees them as enemies did hurt him for some reason. His eyes were filled with tears, but he didn't really cry. He wasn't sobbing. He didn't even realise that tears are running down his face as he was drunk. He just looked at Kenji, who was quite sober sitting next to him, making sure he won't do something stupid when drunk. ,,I want Chuuya to be back the way he was. I want our friendship to be what it was back then."


Ranpo was talking to Yosano about something, when he noticed Poe standing behind him. ,,What is it?" He asked, looking at the taller one's flushed face. ,,Can you come outside for a while?" He asked. Of course Ranpo agreed.

,,Ranpo.... I guess I may actually like you." Was all he said. It went so easily, didn't it? No.

,,Poe.... you really are drunk, aren't you?" Ranpo laughed. He already knew everything, but he didn't want the confession to be when Poe's drunk. It just didn't feel right like this.

,,I....." The taller one didn't know what to say now. ,,If you actually mean it, you'll tell me when you're sober." He smiled, making the other feel goddamn unsure of what he should think. Does it mean that his feelings are accepted? Probably not. If they were, it would be just different. Does he actually have some chance? Or is Ranpo trying to deny him gently?


Half drunk Higuchi was resting her head on Gin's shoulder. The dark haired girl, who wasn't really drunk, but not completely sober either, was watching her, unable to get rid of the thought of how pretty she is.

,,I really like you." The words slipped out of her mouth way too quickly to be controlled. In not even a second, Higuchi was up, looking right into other one's eyes. Her own ones were tearing up. ,,You mean it? " Gin just nodded. ,,You mean it like you actually love me?" She asked once again, still not believing it.

Instead of another nod, Gin just took her closer and kissed her lips.


When the ginger boy woke up, he remembered everything.

I guess it all is broken now. What are we? Some shitty enemies?

Guess its all what's left

So now they're officially not friends anymore. No matter what they were ever before, by saying this, he made them enemies now. Maybe there used to be a way to save it. But it's not anymore. It felt like it's all lost.


Ranpo was overthinking the thing drunk Poe told him. He knew he meant it. But will the other one actually have the balls to go and say it, even without being drunk?

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