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Chuuya woke up early. First, he wanted to keep sleeping, not minding coming later to school. But then he remembered all the things that happened yesterday.

Is it really true? Was it not a dream?

No. This all really happened.

He was sure the moment he looked at those few cuts on his body from these bullies. They were kind of annoying, causing him pain every time he moved, but Chuuya didn't mind it at all.

Thinking about all these things, he didn't feel like sleeping anymore.


Dazai was so happy for yesterday. He still kept replaying all these memories in his mind. But there was a darker side of all these things. What about these bullies? They seemed to be scared of fighting with Chuuya, no wonder when he kicked their asses like this, the boy was strong as heck. But they still have plenty of time to hurt Dazai in the morning, since Chuuya is almost every day late. Maybe coming late as well would solve this. But Chuuya probably won't want to protect hin forever, he'll get revenge for what the bullies did to him, but what about then? Would he still help him, or let them do whatever they want?

And even if he would... what if ge's going to get sick or won't come to school, whatever the reason is?

Damn, overthinking really was such pain in ass. Dazai finally decided to keep things going, since he can't do really much to help it right now and rather got up and started preparing to go to school.


Today Chuuya came to school early. His classmates were giving him weird looks, but nobody said a single thing against him. They knew he's much stronger then them and is not scared of attacking them if need.

He didn't come early for no reason. He knew what bullies would be able to do to Dazai if he's not there. He never did actually care about somebody or at least didn't show it, but this time it was different. He didn't even know why he cares about that boy since he thought that he's kinda annoying by just talking, but at the same time he knew he would hate himself if he would let Dazai get hurt.

Now he was waiting for him, but Dazai, who was always fucking early was not coming, even when it was 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Why was Chuuya sad? He didn't understand his own feelings once again. But one thing was for sure. He was not only sad, he was angry as well because of waiting for him, waking up early just to protect him and losing one hour when he could have slept.

He heard the bell and lesson started, teacher came into classroom and Chuuya was still not able to stop thibking about Dazai. Where is he? Is he even going to go to school? He only hoped that the boy isn't half dead anywhere in front of school beaten up by these bullies. Maybe after this lesson ends he schould mame sure.


Dazai came into a classrom in the middle of first lesson. ,,I'm sorry, I kind of overslept" he said cheerfuly with that singing- like voice and without even wanting for teacher's lesson he sat down. Teacher started yelling at him immediately.

Chuuya was not able to do a thing but laugh. Because of Dazai looked kinda surprised for being yelled at like this. Because teacher looked and sounded kinda funny when being angry. And mostly because the feeling of relief because Dazai was ok.


Finally that one lesson ended and Chuuya didn't hesitate to turn to Dazai. ,,I was waiting for you, idiot. I lost one hour of sleep for no reason because of you coming late." He said with his typical angry voice. Dazai's eyes got wider as he realised that Chuuya was waiting for him.

,,I didn't know. It's not my fault." Again that annoying voice of his. How the fuck can he sound so cheerful no matter what happens? ,,Ugh... can you at least take me a little serious? I'm trying to be nice to you and even came early so they don't bully you."

Chuuya sounded angry, but in reality he was more sad. He was trying to do his best. But will Dazai ever notice? Will he care?

He turned back to mind his own problems and that's when Dazai realised. He really must care a lot. His cheeks got a little bit pink. ,,I'm sorry, I didn't know you were waiting."

Chuuya turned back in surprise. This didn't sound like Dazai at all. ,,Guess its ok." He said, mostly because of not feeling like fighting


Finally lunch time. Lessons were so boring so they felt like a complete waste of time. Now there was finally some free time.

Dazai and Chuuya went to a roof top, both of them thinking about only one thing. That awful silence between the two of them. They both wanted to break it somehow, but what to say?

They came there and took their seats. Chuuya took out his bento and Dazai did as well. They ate, only sometimes any of them said something. When Dazai finished, he pulled Chuuya's hand a little closer to him. Chuuya gave him that ,what the fuck are you doing' look, but didn't pull his hand away. Dazai kinda blushed when he realised that he's looking into Chuuya's eyes while holding his hand.

Then he took a marker and wrote his phone number on Chuuya's hand while blushing more and more.

Chuuya of course noticed his red cheeks and smiled at how cute his friend is while being flushed like this. He wanted to slap himself when he realised what he's thinking about.

After Dazai finished writing, Chuuya looked at his hand. ,,Is it your phone number?" Dazai nodded, still blushing - maybe even more then before. ,,You could have not just tell me to write it in my phone, huh?"

Chuuya didn't realise that what he said made Dazai feel sad. And Dazai didn't show it, he was not the kind of boy to look soft and being able to get hurt by a few words. But he felt it. What should he answer now? He only could think about things that sounded weird like they always do it like this in all the films, I thought it would be cute. And so on.

Luckily for Dazai, the bell rang and they both ran to the classroom for another lesson.


Chuuya would never admit it out loud, but almost the whole lesson he was looking at the number on his hand, reading it over and over again. He didn't understand why he's doing it, but it made him feel happy. But it was not the basic happines, this was somehow different - which was kinda hard to explain.


Bell rang and lessons ended, time to go home. Chuuya was waiting for Dazai again, this tine he was not even complaining about him taking a long time.

,,Hey, Chuuya! I have to introduce you to Odasaku!" Dazai smiled. ,,Who's that?" ,,He and Ango are the two guys I live with and also my best friends!" He seemed so happy talking about these two.

Ok, srry for no chapter in a long time. I'll try to do better.

BSD ~ Soukoku ~ High school AUWhere stories live. Discover now