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Ranpo opened the door. He saw the tall boy standing there, his face covered by his hair made it pretty hard to read his expression. The raccoon on his shoulder was looking at all the people standing at the door with interest.

,,Hey Poe so you're finally here." Ranpo gave him a big smile. ,,Why are there so many people? I mean... if I remember right, you said you'll only invite few friends." He said with a very quiet voice, so only Ranpo, who was standing much closer to him than the others, could hear.

,,I'm sorry, I guess when you say only few friends, everyone imagines something else." Ranpo chuckled. It was true that Poe was pretty introverted and when Ranpo told that he'll only invite few friends, he thought there will not be more than 5 people. He really wasn't the most comfortable since the most of them were a strangers to him - he only knew Ranpo and Yosano, since she was Ranpo's best friend and few times he took her along when visiting Poe - mostly because he couldn't use train but let's not talk about this.

,,Yeah... I guess you're right." He answered and came in.


,,Hey Poe... you said you're gonna bring a surprise " Ranpo smiled. He already could predict what it's gonna be and he was incredibly excited.

,,Ugh... yes... it's here." He said and took a book out of his bag. He gave it to Ranpo, who immediately opened it and started reading it out loud.

It showed up it's a crime case - a well written one where you should figure out who the killer is.


,,Damn this is so hard! There's no way I can ever solve it in my life." Atsushi sighted. The most of others' expressions weren't too different.

,,There must be something.... what about security cameras?" Akutagawa, who wanted to prove that he's smart, asked.

,,Nope. It's 1867, there were no security cameras in there." Ranpo answered.


,,It was written there that the murder wore gloves."

,,Couldn't there be some footsteps left in snow or so?"

,,Dumbass. It was summer."


Damn. Even Dazai looks dumb now, when he can't solve this. Was the only thought Chuuya's mind could produce.

,,So everyone are giving it up already?" Ranpo asked with a big smile. Everyone, already tired of thinking, even though they couldn't figure out a thing, sighted and nodded.

,,Allright." He smiled and stared explaining, how exactly the case happened, who was the murder, how did he hide all the clues and how he figured it out. Everyone were watching him with their mouths open as if they saw a ghost. Only Yosano, who already saw him solve an unsolvable case wasn't surprised, yet still she admired his deduction skills just like everyone else.


After like 3 hours, when they ordered and ate some pizza and talked a bit, they decided to open a bottle of some alcohol.

,,Let's make it a little bit more fun." Dazai smirked. ,,What if we played never had I ever" Seems like everyone agreed.

,,So who's starting?" Nobody wanted to start- nobody knew what to say. ,,It was your idea so you start you dumbass." Chuuya said rudely.

His expression made Dazai pretty sad since it made him miss the kind and overprotective Chuuya already. He felt a little sad every time Chuuya was harsh on him - without realising the reason of course. But of course in such situation he never even thought about showing these feelings, it just simply wasn't like him at all. He made a stupid jokes about it instead.


,,Ok.... Never have I ever....... ugh.......... broke my pc while failing a game..."

Akutagawa drank. ,,Yes we'll never forget about it." Atsushi nodded, as he remembered the last summer, when the two of them played against each other and Akutagawa got angry when he lost.

,,I thought that you'll drink too, Chuuya ~ you seem to be the type of person who gets angry over every stupid thing that happens." Dazai laughed. ,,It only happens when the stupid thing is you." Chuuya answered, not wanting to talk about it anymore.


It doesn't take too long to get drunk when you're Chuuya so now he was yelling at Dazai because of his stupid jokes. ,,Chuuya Chuuya.... you can calm down." Dazai smiled, thinking how adorable the other one is when he's blushing and drunk.

,,You idiot why would somebody try killing himself? I mean if you want to die, at least make it look like you died cool....you know than nobody would want their crush to die like a fucking dumbass."

Everyone smiled, watching these two, as Chuuya's yelling at Dazai, who is holding his hands up in a defensive way, while still smirking, both of them blushing and looking pretty funny.


,,Chuuya you really should go to sleep. You're getting a little too drunk." Dazai said, this time with a serious tone.

,,You know... I don't give a single shit about what you're saying. You're just a stupid suicide - obsessed bandage wasting idiot who looks like the kind of person who snacks on dog food for fun."

Sorry for not sharing lately, I have a lot of work and I'm planning to make another BSD ff - which will be much better than this shit.

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