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,,Hey, Dazai! Wanna watch some film?" Chuuya broke the annoying silence after they ate all the toasts. ,,Ye, sure." He said, obviously thinking about something else so he didn't really pay that much attention to what was the short one saying. ,,What do you want to watch?" ,,I dunno. Just choose something."

Chuuya didn't really know either. It took him a few minutes of searching, then he decided for some random action film that he didn't see yet.

Chuuya put a popcorn in a microwave and took them two glasses of cola, then the two boys sat on a small couch in shorter male's living room - they sat as far away from each other as they could - and started watching the film. If watching is the right word, because more than that they were fighting over that one bowl of popcorn. ,,Dumbass put it closer to me, I can't reach it!" Chuuya took the popcorn on his lap. ,,Now it's only yours, huh?" Dazai took it away.

After a few minutes of fighting they ended up sitting much closer to each other - maybe even too close since they were pressed against each other - and popcorn being in Chuua's lap. ,,Hey Chuuya, what happened in the film? I didn't pay attention!" Chuuya sighted. ,,You really think I was able to pay attention to the film when I had to deal with you, dumbass?"

But the two of them were sitting too comfortable to search for a remote controller so they just tried to figure out what's happening there.


When the film ended, Chuuya realised that he's feeling some more weight on his shoulder, then he saw Dazai that probably fell asleep while watching film. For like a minute he didn't move, not wanting to wake the other up, then he carefully moved his head away. The couch was too small for Dazai to sleep there so he took some extra blankets and placed them right next to his own bed so the other will be more comfortable. Then he took Dazai in his arms and carried him there bridal style, carefully laying him on the blankets, covering him with another one. ,,Good night, Dazai" he whispered with a very quiet voice so he won't wake the other up, watched him for a while, then he couldn't resist and felt a need to pet the other's hair. It was so soft and it made Chuuya smile.

Suddenly Dazai moved a little and Chuuya though he woke him up, he kinda felt bad for it because he tried not to. But Dazai only curled up in his blanket and kept sleeping.

Chuuya smiled. Damn why is Dazai so cute? He thought, then took out his phone and made a few photos of sleeping Dazai.


Chuuya couldn't sleep really well that night, so he was mostly just watching the other sleep from the edge of his own bed.

When the morning came, Chuuya left Dazai sleep in his room and went to kitchen to prepare some breakfast. He couldn't cook the best, but it still was enough to make some pancakes.

He was almost done with cooking when he heard Dazai's phone ring. Somebody was calling him. When he looked at the other's phone, he saw Odasaku's name. He answered. ,,Hey, It's me, Chuuya. Dazai is still sleeping."

,,Hi Chuuya. So yesterday Dazai texted me that you're going on that trip with us so me and Ango will pick you up around 9:30, be prepared. "


The two boys got in Odasaku's car. They greeted each other and Oda introduced Ango and Chuuya to each other since it was the first time they met.

,,When are we even going?" Chuuya asked. The two older guys gave him kinda surprised look. ,,I mean Dazai only asked if I wanna go on a trip with you." Ango seemed to want to say something, but Dazai, sitting right behind him, covered his mouth. ,,Let it be a surprise"

The way wasn't really short, sometimes they talked about everything and anything, sometimes it was quiet...

In one of those quiet moments Chuuya remembered something. He took out his phone and looked at pictures of sleeping Dazai that he took yesterday at  night. He smiled at the other being incredibly cute and beautiful at the same time as a barely visible blush was crawling onto his cheeks.

,,Chuuya! What are you smiling at so much?" Dazai asked all of sudden. ,,Nothing that important, just a message from my aunt." He lied, trying to pretend there are no photos of  sleeping Dazai. He wasn't sure if the other actually believed to what he said, but it was ok since he didn't ask about it anymore.


,,We're here" Oda smiled. ,,Amusement park?" Chuuya asked. ,,Ye. I love these." Dazai smirked. ,,I wasn't in one for a very long time." Chuuya admitted. ,,It's ok! I think we will enjoy it anyway."

Dazai almost looked like a child. Chuuya acted a little annoyed at seeing him like this, but anywhere deep inside he thought that he's cute.


,,So where are we going first?" Chuuya asked. He felt kinda lost in such a big, loud and cheerful place. He clearly wasn't used to attending any.  ,,Uhm... there?" Dazai asked and pointed at some attraction. ,,Ok" Chuuya answered, not being sure where they are going since he couldn't recognise what exactly was Dazai pointing at.

I decided that I'm probably gonna make a little shorter chapter and update more often, I hope you don't mind.

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