7: Happy

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

Little shuffling and the muffled voice of someone were heard by the boy on the bed. Taehyung groaned and moved his hand to feel the needle piercing through his skin. In his groggy state, he blinked his eyes when the sharp bright lights of the room hit his eyes.

"Are you awake, Mr. Kim?" He heard the polite voice of a lady. Turning his head on the voice, he saw a slim lady in her late 20s standing on the side while filling up a water glass for him.

"Y-yeah." He frowned as his voice was quite hoarse. Elbowing himself on the bed, he got up from his lying position and accepted the glass that she offered him. Despite the dull pain in his head, he gulped down the water, and the kind lady removed the needle from his hand as the IV was already empty.

"How are you feeling now?" She asked once she removed it gently.

Taehyung smiled at the polite voice and handed the glass back to the nurse. "I'm good." But suddenly, his brows frowned.

Hospital? How?

"Who brought me here?" Taehyung asked quickly, he was sure that he heard a very familiar voice and he concluded it was Minho, but still, older wasn't there.

"Oh, that kind person left already once he was informed that you are fine and after paying your bills." She smiled and checked his temperature to smile again in satisfaction. "You're fine now. Good thing, your temperature is normal again." She informed with a satisfactory smile.

Taehyung tilted his head in confusion when he couldn't remember what actually happened to him.

"Um, but what happened? I just felt queasy and dizzy." He mumbled, playing with the thread bracelet on his wrist, that was formed by his sister years ago.

The nurse smiled and patted his head lightly as she could feel his nervousness.

"Nothing much, just you starved and exhausted yourself too much. You need to eat properly boy, you are too weak to bear skipping your meals." Taehyung suddenly felt embarrassed about that.

It wasn't just because he was actually starved due to the lack of food and money, but because he was sort of exposed for the second time in front of the older male.

"Can I leave now?" Clearing his throat, Taehyung quipped after a few seconds and the nurse nodded her head.

"Sure, but make sure to feed this little tummy of yours. It's not good to starve yourself beyond the limits." She gently said and clicked her tongue when she quickly recalled something.

Taehyung looked around the room to see that the room was looking kind of expensive. He rubbed his temple in the tension of being a bother to the other... he felt debt at this point.

"Here." The nurse handed him a bag, and with a confused look, he accepted that.

"The same person gave that for you. He said, he had to leave early but also gave a message for you, and it's written on the paper inside." She explained to lessen the confusion of the brunet.

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