47: Not again

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

-my Love."

"What in the world-" Taehyung was beyond baffled by the note but before he could overcome the shock, he noticed another thing.

"This handwriting- it seems kinda familiar." He muttered to himself, his fingers tracing the framed words, eyes moving up and down between the sketch and the note all while trying to pinpoint.

A sudden noise from the outside caught his attention and he quickly got the hint that Jungkook was back. Feeling a bit nervous, he quickly grabbed his phone to take a picture of the sketch and one of the notes.

Just when he was done, Jungkook entered the room with wide eyes but fortunately, Taehyung was about to enter the bathroom at that moment. 

"Can I- um- use your bathroom?" Jungkook blinked in surprise before nodding his head quickly when he noticed the other waiting for his response.

Seeing the brunet entering the bathroom, Jungkook sighed and quickly stepped forward to look at the sketches that were still there, hanging in full bloom. He took off them and hid them inside his drawer before leaving the room.

Taehyung, on the other hand, was just staring at his reflection in the mirror. Everything was so clear yet a bit cloudy for him. He really wanted to believe the words he just looked at a moment ago but a little of him wanted to just ignore them, again.

It was like a situation when your mind and heart have a war for some decisions, one denying the other and the person suffering from that war. Just like that, he was suffering.

"I wanted you, Taehyung and I still want you."

"You're so far away from me but still I want you, my Love."

His fingers were curling over the marble of the counter recalling those words clearly and comparing them with the written ones.

In his mental chaos, he didn't notice the time passing by until a knock on the door interrupted his session of mild panic.

"Taehyung? Are you ok?!" The voice was of none other than Jungkook and, to be honest, he sounded so much worried and concerned.

Splashing some water over his face, the brunet took some deep breaths.

"Yeah, one minute please."

"Oh. Sure." He won't exaggerate, he even heard a sigh of relief from the other side because of his answer.

Looking at himself for a last time, he finally came out of the bathroom and found Jungkook impatiently waiting for him near the door of the room.

Their eyes met and Taehyung witnessed the strange emotions in those dark ones, again.

"Dada was asking if- um- I mean, you aren't allergic to anything, right?" The way Jungkook was fidgeting while subtly looking at the brunet with the hope of not witnessing anything wrong, made Taehyung feel something in his heart as well.

"Not actually. I just can't eat spicy food."

"Ok." Just when Jungkook turned back to leave, there was a sudden urge to ask about the sketches that grew inside Taehyung's mind but when he noticed that the frames were gone, he kept quiet and followed the other to the living room.

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