38: Blind

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Third person P.O.V

"Seoyun?" Taehyung repeated in a confused tone but when Jungkook nodded his head in agreement, he lost it and got up from the chair, pushing it back harshly, startling the others as well.

"How dare you! How rude can you be, Jeon?"

Jungkook was wide-eyed at the loud voice of the other but deep down, he was aware of such sort of reaction. He calmly got up as well and stepped towards him.

"That's true, Kim. I'm not-"

"Shut up! Just shut up!" Taehyung chuckled to himself in disbelief, his hands gripping his hair as he laughed without any humor.

"You did whatever you wanted to do, I get it. But why you're dragging her into this? What is your actual intention? I'm not getting it, Jeon!" Jungkook bit his lips all while witnessing the now raging boy continue his accusation.

"I'm not doing this, she did that all. She was just trapping you all this long to have the designs and unfortunately, you fell for her fake-"

"Just shut up! I'm not here for this sh**. Just get lost from here. You think you know everything about the others but you know nothing." Taehyung spat and turned on his heels as he was losing his temper, his hands were literally shaking in anger.

"Believe me, I can prove it." Taehyung shut his eyes tightly, lips turning into a scowl when he turned back to see the other. Jungkook had a very desperate expression, his eyes were screaming to believe him but Taehyung just wanted to turn blind on that, and that's what he did.

"That's enough, Jeon. I have had enough of your stupidity. I can't understand you, hell- I can never understand you! You're a psychopath, a crazy person, who wants to see others in pain, misery and that's all." Jungkook blinked, every word was wounding his soul but he tried hard to shrug it all off, knowing that the innocent boy was mad at the discovery.

"Taehyung, try to understand me. She is the one, you never get the chance to know her real intentions. She is a fake one, a gold digger, and a slu*-" His sentence couldn't be complete as he felt a sharp pain on his left cheek.

The hand, he had the desire to touch and to let it touch himself, finally touched him... but in a very unexpected way.

His head was still lightly tilted in the other direction and he could hear Taehyung's heavy breathing.

"You've crossed every limit, Jeon." Taehyung snarled and pushed him back before rushing out of the restaurant, not before hiding his face again.

Jungkook kept standing there like a statue, the little sting on his skin was gone by now but instead, he felt an agonizing pain in his heart.

He never wanted to fall for the other and controlled it for long, showing the other a different way of his hidden feelings, but unfortunately- he fell hard, very hard that it was hurting the most.

A sad smile formed on his lips as he lightly caressed his warm skin. "He really hates me now."

Just when he left the restaurant without looking around, he saw Jimin and Yoongi at a distance, who must've witnessed everything.

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