Bonus Chapter: 1

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Third person P.O.V

The door was being knocked very harshly which made the silver-haired to groan in his sleep. With his groggy mind, he sat up and patted the side of the bed to find it empty.

He left...

Shaking his head in disappointment and sadness, he got up from the bed when another wave of harsh knocks echoed in the silence of the deep night.

"Who is there at this hour?" The clock showed the time around 2 AM, making him more irritated.

Just when he peeked through the hole to see the face of the person, the door was knocked off by the other, making him fall back on his butt.

"WHO THE H-" His words stuck in his throat when the very familiar yet dreading face showed up from the doorway.

"Missed me, baby boy?" Taehyung scooted away as the other approached him with the same dirty smirk.

"How- you-"

Chayun knelt in front of him and tried to touch his face but he slapped the hand away.

"They let me go, my punishment is over. So, here I am, for you. I've so much to talk to you about the past years that I lost in that STINKY PLACE BECAUSE OF YOU!" The other seethed and took hold of the soft silver hairs, causing the boy to hiss in pain.


"No can do. I wanted to keep you happy, baby boy. But you ruined it all, you ruined my life," He pulled the hairs harshly and Taehyung felt his strands plucking out of his scalp. "And I'll pay back to you for every ounce of pain I went through."

When he opened his mouth to scream for help, a sharp knife pierced through his abdomen, once, twice, and thrice.

"HE- umphh."

"Shhh." Chayun stabbed him again and laughed like a maniac.

Using the little amount of energy in his body, he kicked the male and tried to get out of the house. But, it couldn't happen as the other grabbed his ankle and made him fall on the floor.

"Not so fast, we just got started, baby boy." Chayun slurred and he watched as the door of his house was locked by the former.

"No, please.. no."

Chayun came forward and aimed for his heart with the bloodied knife.

"Say Hi to your family." The knife came down and a loud scream left his lips.

Taehyung jolted up on the bed, drenched in his sweat, his breathing was raging and his mind was blank. Unconsciously, he started looking around and on his body for the stab, but found nothing. He was in his bedroom, safe and sound.

But when he looked to the side to see a specific person, his heartbeat quickened, because the side was empty. He licked his dry lips and looked for the time which made him tenser because the time was 2 AM.

"It was an n- nightmare, just a nightmare." He tried to calm himself but only found his body tenser as every single scene of his dreadful nightmare played in front of his eyes.

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