13: A try

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Third person P.O.V

Tying up his tie that was part of the suit, Taehyung hummed a sweet melody, a smile on his pink lips that were looking so kissable because of the added shine of lip balm.

"Done!" He chirped to himself and patted his own shoulder in agreement. Taking hold of his phone and wallet, he happily moved out of the room and locked it, still humming while descending the stairs.

"Someone is happy tod- wow!." Chayun gasped from behind when Taehyung was about to open the door. The last word came out very surprised.

Taehyung smiled lightly and nodded his head in approval, well... he was happy, happy because he finally decided to confess to Seoyun in a good way. He even bought a gift for her that was a gold bracelet... quite expensive for his already disturbed accounts, but did he care? Of course not, because he was eager to have her love for himself.

"It's a party tonight, a celebration party to be exact," Taehyung said but his smile dropped slightly because Chayun was looking- no actually staring at him very weirdly.

"You're looking so handsome Taehyung." Chayun kind of mumbled but the other did hear that clearly. Finding the situation very awkward, he decided to leave as quickly as possible, and to his luck, his phone buzzed.

"Oh! I've to go now. My colleague is waiting for me." Semie was the one to message him and he was grateful for that.

Taehyung's aunt also came out of the room and frowned when she saw both males. She practically pulled his husband back when Taehyung was reading the message.

"See you later. Good bye auntie." Taehyung said in a hurry and quickly went out of the house, leaving the two persons behind.. with two different expressions.


"Ah!.. finally," Taehyung muttered, huffing lightly as he was walking for past half an hour to reach there. Well, he really wanted to take a cab but it was costly, so he walked there.

His hand went inside his pants pocket to check the velvet box of the bracelet and he sighed in relief and happiness when the softness of the fabric reached his fingertips.

The gleaming boy walked to the main door with confidence but slowly... very slowly, he felt his confidence dying down as he saw his colleagues dressed up so well and looking so fashionable. A sense of insecurity and self-consciousness hit him and he out of the blue, started feeling nervous.

He wasted about 10 minutes at the door, looking at the people coming with all of their glory, happy smiles on their faces, while he just kept fidgeting with his fingers.

"Hey! What are you doing here?! Go inside, you thick skull." A light smack on his arm and the squeaky voice of the Semie made him flinch.

"What! Let's go~" She dragged him with her inside the restaurant. Taehyung gulped at the sight, he was sure that the restaurant was good in the morning but now? The vibe was very different.

"This way." Semie again dragged him happily to the table where Minho and one of his other colleagues were sitting.

"Good evening everyone." Semie chirped to which the other boy greeted back warmly while Minho kept his head busy on his phone.

Taehyung also greeted both but his eyes started roaming around the big hall to locate a specific girl. Disappointed eyes came back to the table when he found nothing related to Seoyun. Semie was busy with her other friend while now Taehyung was sitting with Minho.

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