37: Culprit

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

Taehyung waved his hand last time when his mother and Euni entered the train, a happy day after a peaceful night that he spent in the embrace of his mother, just like in the old times. But, his mind was still stuck with the one question.

Why would Jungkook bring them here, also from the address he never mentioned in the company?

Walking back to the road, he felt his phone buzzing.

Jimin Hyung:

"Taehyung, I've got a piece of good news and a piece of bad news for you. But for that, you need to come to meet me. Just come to Yoongi's place this weekend, we will talk there."

It was totally random, but he replied an ok before taking a bus to the house.

The day was going as usual and he found himself standing at the counter, making a drink for the girl who was nervously glancing at the boy at a distance.

He chuckled to himself and placed the glass in front of her and she scurried away to the boy, saying something to him with a shy smile.

"Why are you smiling to yourself? Well, it's not that I'm not liking the view, but want to know the reason for this cute smile." Kai started with a smile and Taehyung chuckled again before ruffling the younger's hair.

Kai was stunned by the gesture as well, for the first time... Taehyung was looking genuinely happy.

"They look cute together," Taehyung said, pointing to now, the dancing shy couple.

"Oh. Yeah, they do." Kai commented, his ears again getting red and this time, Taehyung decided to ask.

"Are you cold? Your ears are getting red." Taehyung's confused and concerned frown made the younger blush more.

"Um- yeah." Taehyung rubbed his hands a few times before placing them on the younger's ears.

"It will help, and make sure to wear a scarf if you feel cold." Kai was looking here and there, his neck getting red as well as his cheeks.

A throat-clearing voice caused Taehyung to turn back, letting go of the hold on the other's ears in an instant.

"Did I just disturb you two?" The male, more precisely, Officer Jung Hoseok asked with a raised brow.

"Oh, no no. His ears were cold. Well, what brings you here, officer?" Hoseok gave him a look before smiling.

"Nothing just wanted to have some drinks before ending up on the bed. Argh, my schedule is sucking my life." Taehyung lightly giggled at the whining of the officer.

"Ok, so.. what do you like? Strong one?"

"Nope, give me some soda. I've to go somewhere tomorrow morning." Taehyung nodded and did as told. Hoseok silently watched him and the other bartender as well, who still had a blush.

"Here." The glass was placed in front of him and he grabbed it to take a few sips.

"Are you in a relationship?" Taehyung's eyes widened at the sudden question, not expecting the question of course.

"Um- no. I was in one- I guess." He muttered the last words to himself, his heart breaking at the reminder but he shrugged it off.

"Why you're asking?" Hoseok shrugged his shoulder as well and looked around.

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