50: Contender

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

The van was speeding up, breaking the speed limit at many points because they were sure of the police behind them.

"THE HECK! I TOLD YOU TO BE CAREFUL!" The driver and Minho's acquaintance yelled in frustration, clearly on the verge of losing control.

"I- I didn't know, ok? That fu**ing Jeon never leave me alone." Minho seethed, unconsciously tightening his grip over the brunet's wrist who was sitting beside him, head over his shoulder.

On hearing the name of Jungkook, Taehyung felt something in his heart. Maybe, it was a speck of happiness that the other still cared for him, or maybe, something else?

"You're really not so good, Lee. I should've known better before making this deal!" The other again retorted, banging his hand on the steering wheel, and unexpectedly, Minho flinched at that, which didn't go unnoticed by Taehyung.

Now, the hazy mind of Taehyung was getting clear and he was understanding the situation. Using his energy that seemed to be restored to some extent, he again tried to open his eyes and this time, finally succeeded.

Minho when noticed the other stirring beside him and groaning, he got panicked.

Taehyung when opened his eyes, was met with the darkness of the van as the windows were tinted and the next thing was Minho's pale face.


"What are - you doing?!" His voice broke due to a wave of pain in his head.

"I- we- Please calm down, yeah?" Minho tried to touch him but he backed off with fear-filled eyes.

"Great, just great! Now your little doll is up as well?! Make him shut up and better unconscious!" The other said from the front seat, throwing a small bottle toward Minho.

Taehyung's eyes widened when Minho took hold of the bottle and grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket.

"Minho! Why are you doing that?! We are friends! Please- hey!" He shrieked when the older male tried to get a grip of him but luckily, his kick stopped him right on time.

"I like you a lot, Tae baby. I love you. Please, make me do it. I promise to make it better-"

"Shut up! Are you out of your mind? We- I- I always considered you as a friend! Nothing more!"

Minho gritted his teeth on hearing that. He clutched the hankie in his fist as the other hand yanked the brunet forward.

"And what about Jeon? Hm? He is more than a friend, just because he was there for you with his money?" Taehyung got scared, never ever thought to see but now witnessing the fury in those eyes that were mostly blank... it made him scared. The grip tightened more on the wrist and unfortunately, that was a burnt hand, making the brunet wince in pain.

"Minho, you- you're hurting me." The words sank slowly as the grip loosened with the fury fading away.

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