36: Hurt or hate?

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

"Get lost! But be back soon." Jin kicked Yoongi on his butt making the said male groan in response.

Jimin snickered, enjoying the view for hours. Taehyung smiled as well but deep down, he was still embarrassed about his outburst in the early morning but was also grateful as now the older was looking unbothered.

Little did he know, they all had a very detailed conversation about the whole matter after Jin finally told them all the miseries the brunet went through.

"I'm gonna break your ankle if it touched my precious butt once more!" Jimin lost it on the remark of the totally annoyed silver-haired and fell on his knees while laughing hysterically.

Taehyung chuckled at the view as well, one thing sure by now was that Jimin was very weak in this condition and couldn't easily control his laughter.

"Whatever! And please, make sure to keep me updated." Jin huffed at the end but dismissed the further talk because Taehyung was now more attentive.

Both Yoongi and Jimin left the house and Jin decided to go grocery shopping while Namjoon was dragged with him for carrying the bags, of course.

Taehyung trudged back to his room and plopped on the mattress, his mind playing with the words of the older.

"It's not bad to cry?" He mumbled to himself and then a sudden memory flashed in front of his eyes. Once, he said the same to his sister, who was crying after falling while trying to ride a bicycle. She tried not to cry at first but then ended up crying on his shoulder.

A faint smile formed on his lips, he missed it all.


It was evening a day after, and Namjoon and Jin were cooking in the kitchen, well only Jin was cooking while the other just sat on the chair, sulking.

"Hyung. I'm going for a walk, if you need anything, I'll get it on the way back." Taehyung announced, marching towards the door, a hoodie was hiding his figure completely because he still felt odd whenever people stared at him.

"Nothing is needed. Just make sure to be back within an hour, supper is almost ready- I told you to just sit Joonie!" Jin seethed on the poor boy who again broke a plate just by touching the edge.

Taehyung shook his head with a smile, he loved them, their bond.

"I'll be back soon."

It was getting colder by now, it had to be.. the cold crisps of wind were harsh yet refreshing. His shoulders moved up unconsciously when the gush passed over his body, leaving nothing but a sense of coldness all over.

His outside was cold, just like his inside. He wanted to forget about the things that happened before, to be as ignorant as he could, but it was difficult, so so much difficult.

Heaving out a sigh, he started walking back to the house when it started to get a bit darker and after dinner, he had to go to the club as well. His weary eyes watched the kids happily jumping around, their parents beside them... their happy faces and sweetness. He watched it all and felt bitter inside although, his lips were stretched in an unconscious sweet smile.

"It would be easier for you if you get it over with. One day, she will definitely get to know the truth. Just be strong.... or try to be strong." He mumbled to himself and sped up his walk.

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