9: Not so bad

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V


"I'll see you tomorrow." Seoyun quickly said with a smile and Taehyung felt defeated. His eyes again fell on the annoying smirk of the other and he didn't waste any moment in walking...no actually running out of the place.

All the way to his house, he was clenching and unclenching his fists to calm down his anger but the more he recalled the words and that smirk, he couldn't help and ended up crying angry tears.

The door of his house opened by the Chayun.

"Welcome back boy." The man said, and Taehyung just nodded his head, not in the mood to talk with anyone but when he was about to walk to the stairs, a hand grabbed his wrist.

Out of instinct, he jerked away the hand with a frown and faced the now frowning older.

"Hey, calm down. Why you're behaving like that?" Before Taehyung could say anything, Chayun said with a bit louder voice.

"Don't try to be frank with me Sir, now will you excuse me."

"This isn't the way to talk to your uncle, Taehyung." Taehyung was about to leave when he heard his aunt snarl at him.

He frowned in disbelief when Chayun smiled innocently while trying to calm down his furious aunt.


"Yes, we are getting married in two days. So, behave with him." She said, a deep frown still on her features. Taehyung felt very much disturbed by the way Chayun was smiling at him.

"Ok." He simply said and turned back but again halted in surprise when his aunt asked him to do something, he wasn't expecting.

"Apologise, Taehyung." She demanded, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What? But why? I didn't do something wrong. He was-"

"I said apologies." Taehyung inhaled sharply, tongue playing with his teeth.

"I won't, he was the one who grabbed my wrist, why should I apologize?"

"What's wrong with it? He just grabbed your wrist, not like did something bad." She argued back with the same frown.

"Honey, it's fine. Let him go. He must be tired." Chayun said but she wasn't ready to hear that.

"No way, he should learn to respect elders. I'm being humble with him and gave him the house on rent at such a low price, but still, he is so impolite." Taehyung clenched his jaw at the false accusations. It wasn't like the rent was too low, in fact, it was high compared to the space in the single room he was renting.

And did she say polite and humble?

"I'm not-"

"Why are you being stubborn Taehyung? Just apologize now and leave." She seethed in anger, slamming her hand over the small table placed near the stairs.

Taehyung closed his eyes for a brief second and clenched his fists again. He was already so much disturbed and now this drama. He just wanted to be alone at the moment.

"I'm sorry." He said in a monotone and quickly rushed upstairs and locked his door.

"What a night." With empty gaze, he just stared at the ceiling, feeling all salty. 

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