41: His Peace

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

"What?" Taehyung winced internally as he asked the other. But to his dismay, Jungkook ruffled his own hair before stepping closer to the door.

"Don't worry, this time I'll leave you, for good." With that, he waved lightly before closing the door while Taehyung kept looking as the slit closed, completely hiding the red eyes of the raven-haired.

Jimin hung his head low, sighing sadly at the situation as by now, he was so sure about his doubts about Jungkook.

"Let's go." He simply said and again dragged the kinda frozen brunet to his car.

The whole drive was silent, Jimin kept stealing glances towards the brunet, who was blankly staring at his own lap, fingers digging into his thighs.

From his face and his condition, Jimin got the hint that he was feeling more than just bad. But he kept quiet this time as well.

Once they entered the Yoongi's apartment, Taehyung was engulfed in a tight embrace.

"Where the hell you were?!" Jimin gestured to him something and Yoongi sighed, stopping himself to ask further. When he pulled back, he was met with red, swollen, and puffy eyes with pink and red skin.

"Taehyung?" The called boy hummed in his own thoughts, making the other two definitely feel bad for him.

"So, who wants some ramen? Gosh, I'm so hungry now after your little stunt." Jimin beamed clapping his hands to distract the brunet as he decided to talk with Yoongi once the other fell asleep.

Taehyung kept spacing out but Yoongi nodded to which Jimin quickly entered the kitchen to make the ramen while Yoongi led Taehyung to his own room.

"Fresh up a bit, I'll help Jimin." Taehyung nodded slowly.

The night was spent like that all while Jimin tried his best to make the brunet smile or talk, but it seemed a hard job. In the end, finally, Taehyung fell asleep near 4 a.m. after twisting and turning for the nth time.

Jimin took the couch, and Yoongi slept on the bed with Taehyung, making sure that the boy was warm enough.

The next morning, Taehyung requested Yoongi to drop him back at Jin's place and the older did as he was told.

The news spread overnight about the brunet being the innocent one and the victim of the scam and the newscaster even requested the people to take down the previous video or else they would be punished.

It was another relief too, but even after that, Taehyung couldn't find peace.

For the next three days, he didn't feel like talking to the others. He did call his mother but couldn't talk much. His condition was making the older Kims really worried and they ended up talking with Yoongi who explained to them what actually happened the last Saturday.

His heart continuously felt heavier, like another burden was keeping him bound to feel miserable.

"We are closing early today, kindly you all can leave within half an hour," Namjoon announced to the customers who nodded their heads, well they were already informed through the board that was displayed on the door of the club. But Taehyung never noticed that.

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