10: Jerk!

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Third person P.O.V

A big frown replaced his soft features on the words.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook scoffed at that and leaned back on his chair, eyes piercing through Taehyung's face.

"Of course, this isn't like you are actually leaving for the break." Taehyung inhaled deeply before putting a fake smile on his lips.

"I think, it's not your thing to think about Sir. It's my right to have a break and I want it now." The way the CFO clenched his jaw, Taehyung was making himself ready for the outburst.

"You're very insolent Kim! But I'm well aware of the way you look at Ms. Han," Jungkook said, jaw still clenched but Taehyung felt a wave of unknown energy in his system at the mention of Seoyun.

"What if I do? It's my personal life Mr. Jeon... and as I said before, it's none of your business." A loud slam, followed by the crashing of the big leather chair on the floor... caused Taehyung to quickly step back.

Jungkook stepped forward and stood right in front of the brunet, a deep frown on his forehead that Taehyung thought was now permanent and the clenched jaw, the thing scaring him a little bit.

"Personal life my a**." Taehyung opened his mouth to say something but yelped when out of a sudden CFO grabbed his upper arm, very tightly.

"Shut it! Let me speak Kim!" A kind of growl again stopped him from saying anything.

Taehyung felt scared at the moment, the way other was staring at him and tightening his grip on his noodle arm.. he felt very intimidated. His innocent wide eyes look back at those dark ones. That Kim sounded kind of familiar again.

"Stay away from her." Well, he didn't expect to hear from the other.

"Excuse me?" Taehyung snapped out but regretted it quickly when the grip tightened more on his arm and he was yanked forward, almost touching the suit of the CFO.

"I'm repeating again Kim, Stay. Away. From. Her.!" Taehyung's blood boiled the way he was ordering him and also related to his personal life.

He struggled in the grip of the raven-haired and pushed him angrily.

"Who do you think you are?! You're not the one to decide what I do or not. I'm an employee here, not your slave! Also, I'm not even working under you, what makes you so bold to decide my life decision?!" Taehyung snapped again, his voice kind of loud as his body was shaking in anger. He wasn't the type to yell or fight, so this reaction from his body was very common.

Jungkook frowned but smirked when he noticed the shivering under his gaze. "Look at you Kim, looking all fragile with this shaking body... and you're here trying to fight me." He mocked, straightening his suit a bit.


"Why you're pestering yourself on her? Didn't you notice that she isn't much into you? Last night was the best prof." Jungkook calmly said and walked to his chair, picking it up casually, sitting back, and taking a bite from his meal.

Taehyung felt beyond angry about that and stepped forward, leaning over the table, he slammed his hand over the glass lightly.

"She said, she likes me," Taehyung said confidently, a proud smile on his lips but that faltered soon when Jungkook chuckled, closing his eyes, looking very amused.

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