Bonus Chapter: 2

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Third person P.O.V

Just like the other nights, Taehyung was sitting on the window sill and looking outside when Jungkook back-hugged him.

"Aren't you tired?" Taehyung inhaled deeply before grabbing Jungkook's hands in his cold ones.

"It still feels like a dream. Is it really over, our pains, sufferings, are they over?" Jungkook sighed and pecked his temple.

"This isn't any dream and we can fight together if there is any more suffering." Taehyung smiled and closed his eyes, leaning back on the other's chest, still feeling so ecstatic by the situation which was too dreamy. 

They stayed like that for a moment before Jungkook picked up the silver-haired and led him to the bed.

Taehyung looked with his glossy eyes as Jungkook laid him gently on the bed and went back to close the door.

Everything was feeling surreal to some extent but he was trying to live the moment to his full.

A soft peck over his lips caught his attention and found the raven-haired lying beside him, elbow propping him a bit and eyes just drowning in the view in front of him. 

"You remember, once I told you that I never learned how to express my emotions?" Taehyung nodded because he did remember that night on Jin's birthday.

"But, now you can express your love, in the best way ever." Taehyung proudly pointed out and Jungkook smiled and pecked his jaw, making him close his eyes for a moment.

"It's all because of you. I'm changing, I changed, because of you and once I found Fia," He pulled back and looked directly into the brown orbs. "She always reminded me of you. I couldn't help but fall in love with her more and more. Because she isn't just my daughter, she is our daughter." Taehyung's lips wobbled but Jungkook was quick to capture them in a loving kiss, not wanting to feel his heart-wrenching at the serene moment. 

They were basking in each other's warmth when the door was knocked lightly.

"Dada?" A soft voice called and Jungkook was already on his way to open the door just to find the little one standing there with her pillow.

Taehyung got up as well when Jungkook picked up Fia and went back to their bed.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Taehyung asked and Fia instantly left Jungkook's arms once she was on the bed, and crawled over his lap.

Taehyung smiled and hugged her closer.

"Wanted to- to want to sleep with my angel." She corrected herself quickly and looked up at the older with puppy eyes.

Jungkook rolled his eyes because he knew better about the little devil in disgust of an innocent face. 

"Of course, baby. Come here." Taehyung scooted onto the edge and made some space for her and she happily sprawled there while Jungkook was watching her with narrowed eyes.

When Taehyung noticed that Jungkook was staring at the girl, he nudged him.

"What? She never slept with me in the past 3 years! And now suddenly, she wants to sleep here." Taehyung giggled when Fia glared back at her dada before snuggling into his chest.

"Angel, dada is noisy." Her muffled voice came out and this time, Taehyung couldn't help but let out a hearty laughter when Jungkook's mouth gaped in disbelief.

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