33: Special warmth

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Third person P.O.V

"What?" Taehyung muttered with wide-blown eyes. He could feel his heartbeat increasing more, his limbs shaking, not in fear, but in anger.

Chayun inhaled calmly but frowned at the loud knock again. Shrugging the noise from the outside, he stepped back to the brunet who was leaning on the wall, a prominent scowl on his face.

He chuckled and tapped his temple. "I said, I'll have your sist-" He couldn't even complete when a strong pain spread over his already bloody nose.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Taehyung was punching him continuously, his knuckles were getting painted with the dirty blood of the other but he wasn't in his complete senses to even notice that.

Chayun grunted and tried to cover his face as the younger was throwing his fists continuously, not giving him any chance to protect or attack back.

"YOU WON'T! I'LL NEVER LET YOU!" Chayun fell back on the floor due to the harsh impact while Taehyung also fell on his knees, his hands were hurting but he couldn't stop.

It was like a trigger that Chayun pushed. He was bubbling up his frustration and emotions, trying his best to cope up with the situation. He was the type, who could ignore his own pain, but if it came to his family, he would never forget that, and that's what Chayun did to him.

Bringing his sister's name while talking the disgust-filled talk, he would never bear that.

"I'll kill you!" He seethed and again dragged back the older who tried to get up from the floor but it seemed like the fragile-looking boy was totally disappeared.

"Leave me-"

"HOW DARE YOU!" He again yelled at the other and punched him in his abdomen, knocking out the air from his lungs.

"Hey! What's happening inside?!" The person from the outside yelled again and the knocks got louder.

Hearing the commotion outside, Taehyung stopped his hands and was panting by now. Before he could calm himself from his outburst, the door was pushed open by Jin, who used a key to open it.

Jin gasped in horror when he saw a man half lying on the floor, face covered in blood and ugly marks and Taehyung sitting beside him, knuckles red and chest heaving up and down harshly.

"Tae?!" Taehyung looked back to see a very afraid Jin.

"Hyung- he." He shakily pointed towards the older who was hissing while trying to sit up, the other man was helping him.

"He, he attacked me! He was trying to snatch my wallet and when I tried to- argh- fight back, he did this to me!" Chayun said through his bloody teeth while the other person gawked at the brunet.

"He is lying!" Taehyung, who was looking at his own bloody fists in a daze, protested quickly as Jin helped him get up as well. His blood boiled again the way other was lying on his face, well what was expected from him?

"Isn't he the same boy who was famous last week?" The other one commented with a frown.

"Shut up! And call an ambulance!" Jin seethed, totally fed up with the same words. Taehyung could feel the anger of the elder now but he was slowly trying to calm himself but seemed like, Chayun didn't want that.

"You're right! He is the same boy, that day, he tried to rob his own company and now he was pickpocketing his customers. So pathetic." The other one quickly agreed while calling the ambulance.

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