49: Once again

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Third person P.O.V

Jungkook was sitting on the couch, his hair falling over his eyes with a gloomy environment surrounding him. It was already about an hour since the brunet ran out of his house, leaving him in that state, for the second time.

Jeon Jayson, came out of his room on the eerie silence that he wasn't expecting after having a usually bubbly brunet in his house, well that's how his grandson defined the other.

"Kook? Where is Taehyung?" A deep frown settled on his slightly wrinkled skin when he saw his grandson slumped on the couch with a sad face.

"He is- he is gone, Dada." He mumbled out in a soft whisper-like tone.

"What- but Yoongi said that he would pick him up in the evening, why did he leave like that?!" The words sank down Jungkook's mind like a heavy stone in a water tub.

He shot up from the couch to get his phone. How can he forget about that? Dialing Taehyung's contact, he waited for a response but his heart dropped when the contact came out as off.

He will be fine, he will be there-

The chant was continuously ringing in his mind as he dialed Jin's contact, waiting for the other to pick up his call.

"Hi, Jungkook. How's everything going so far?"

Jin chirped from the other side.

"Hyung, are you- um- are you at Yoongi's place?"

"No. I'm still in the mall. Why?"

Jungkook bit his lip when he felt the other's changing tone.

"Taehyung left the house on his own just after I confessed to him." It was the only way, to tell the other truth.

There was silence for a moment before the older sighed.

"Yoongi isn't home. I'm also out. He's nowhere to go. You should've chased him!"

"I know, I'm sorry. I just- I was so shocked by his reaction even when I kinda excepted that. Let me ask Yoongi." With that, he ended the call when the other hummed in response.

Next, he called Yoongi who said that he was still in his office and that's when his heart dropped because Taehyung's number was still coming out of reach.

Jayson was getting worried just by looking at his grandson who was now panicking.

"Maybe, he is in some park. He needs some time, Kook. This isn't so easy for him."

"Dada- I don't know, but now my heart is very restless. I just want to know that he is fine." Jungkook muttered, pulling his hair harshly at his stupidity in letting the other go, again.

"First of all, calm down. You won't be able to think straight in this condition." Jayson patted his back and urged him to sit back on the couch while he tried Taehyung's contact but again, the number was off.

"If anything happens to him, I won't be able to forgive myself this time. I will die of this pain, Dada." Jungkook's words wavered at the end, more tears fell out of his eyes like raindrops.

Jayson, felt his own heart clenching after witnessing that, once again. He just wanted to see his grandson happy but it seemed like nature was not very fateful for the other.

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