27: His need

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

The night of the same day, Taehyung was standing in front of a nightclub. He rubbed his hands together to produce a bit of warmth when felt a thick coat draped over his shoulder.

"I told you to keep it on." Yoongi scolded him and moved towards the main door of the club.

Right now, they were standing far away from the center of Seoul, the place where Taehyung had lived before. His plea for help made the other take a quick step and decide to take him away, as per his request.

"Come on. Believe me, they're very kind." Yoongi's voice broke his stance and he hesitantly nodded before taking steps forward.

As the door opened, they met with the loud noise of booming music with the cheers of the people, who were enjoying the early night already.

Taehyung scrunched his nose a bit at the smell but silently followed the older, the new thing he discovered about Yoongi during their long drive. He watched as the older had a little talk with the guards and then waved his hand to which he silently walked again.

"Let's sit here for a while as I call my friend." Taehyung nodded and sat on the chair that the other told him to.

His tired eyes scanned the big hall that was filled with people in sort of formal dresses. Their faces held nothing but happiness and joy, the thing that was quite away from him.

It felt like ages since he smiled last time, all the credit goes to the one and only monster he encountered.

Remembering about the certain raven-haired, his body felt more than hot with bubbling anger. How come two Jeons can be this much different from each other, one was trying to destroy his whole life while the other was trying to save him. Ironic.

"Oh, this boy?!" A voice, a sort of loud voice, made him flinch as he was deep in thought. He glanced over to see a new face that was examining him with narrow eyes.

"Don't be like that, you may scare him," Yoongi grumbled nudging him lightly, and then both heard a unique laughter.

On the peal of contagious laughter, Yoongi rolled his eyes, taking the seat beside Taehyung and the other person also took a chair on the opposite side of the table.

"Meet him Taehyung, he is the friend I was talking about. This club is theirs and they need new staff as the club is getting more rushy nowadays." Yoongi started calmly but had to speak a bit more loudly than normal because of the loud music.

In acknowledgment, Taehyung nodded his head. "Hello sir, my name is Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you." He said formally and the other person chuckled.

"You look cute. Well, my name is SeokJin, Kim SeokJin. Second owner of this club." Taehyung tried to smile as the male was giving him a polite smile but at the same time, he was kind of staring at him for too long which made him uncomfortable. Yoongi noticed that and kicked Jin's shin under the table to earn a hiss.

"Um, so.. Yoongi said you need a job?" Taehyung nodded with his head hanging low, still feeling scared that anyone would recognize him and again call him by 'that' name.

"Good thing, we really need a bartender as that one is trying to shift to his hometown." Jin pointed toward the one who was making the drinks.

"Others are good, but we were in need of one and you're here." He clapped his hands happily while Yoongi just sighed, feeling embarrassed because of his friend.

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