14: Worse

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Third person P.O.V

"Where are you going?"

Taehyung slowly turned back with his confused self but his confusion disappeared when Seoyun almost threw herself over him, a little jerk and she was completely over him.

"I also like you Tae... you are so sweet." She mumbled while hugging him very tightly. Happiness? Well, it was at its peak with a hint of confusion now.

Was it that easy?

"It's a yes.. of course." She beamed, pulling back and out of the blue pinched Taehyung's cheek playfully to which finally the male fell in reality.

He blinked many times before letting out a little giggle to which Seoyun joined and again shortly hugged him. "Th- thank you Seoyunie," Taehyung mumbled, a warmth spreading over his body as she giggled as well.

She now pulled back completely and cocked her brow with an amused look.

"Seoyunie? Hmm?" It was odd that Taehyung was the one to blush at the moment while Seoyun stood there full of confidence.

"Aww, you're getting red. Omg~ you're so cute." The girl squealed and again pinched his cheeks.

"I- I'm not cute ok. I'm handsome." Taehyung quickly defended himself, putting on a very stern look but failing cutely as she let out a few giggles in the act. Being embarrassed, he brought his hand up to scratch his neck but instead he found his hand busy carrying the box.

"Oh- I almost forgot about that. I bought this for you." Taehyung quickly said and stretched his hand for the girl to accept the gift. Her eyes gleamed with happiness when she grabbed the box.

She opened it in an instant and breathed out with wide eyes. "Wow. That's- that's a beautiful one." Using her fingers to feel the bracelet under, she gasped. 

"You like it?" Taehyung asked softly though her reaction was clear, still, he wanted to hear it out loud.

Seoyun nodded her head in a daze. "That's pretty. Thank you so much, Tae." She mumbled with a smile, took it out of the box, and quickly wrapped it around her wrist, completely matching and looking very perfect in Taehyung's eyes.

He opened his mouth to compliment her but someone called out for Seoyun and she waved at him before going to the person, leaving him at the place all for himself.

Looking at the girl of his dreams, he let out a sigh of relief, and a smile formed on his face.

"Yes!" He suddenly let out a happy yell, jumping on the floor, hand flying in the air but regretting it later when his wrist hurt at the moment. But was he ready for a bad mood? Nah- he ignored that and happily walked back to the main hall to join his friends.

Semie was the one to scold him, saying that he missed the appreciation speech from the CEO but he care less. She couldn't do much when she noticed the gleam in his eyes.

Time was passing quickly and Taehyung was silently enjoying the night as Semie once again ditched him, leaving him with mute Minho.

Taehyung was getting bored now, roaming his eyes in the hall with a pout but when his eyes fell on a specific someone, a smirk of victory formed on his pink lips as he quickly got up from the chair, partially startling Minho.

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