35: Strong to weak

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

It's been a few days since a burden was off of his shoulder and soul, but still.. he wasn't feeling all good. In the past few days, he was desperately waiting for a call from his mother but it never happened. Even when he tried to call her, her phone always came out as busy, making him sure that she was definitely ignoring him, still hating him.

"You ok hyung?" Kai asked him, placing a tray of wet glasses in front of him on the counter. Taehyung smiled lightly and nodded.

Kai smiled back, eyes holding a feeling of dreaming.

"What are you looking at?" Taehyung frowned when he noticed the soft stare directed at himself. Kai quickly blinked his eyes and straightened himself with an awkward cough getting caught.

"Ah- um, well... I was just.. oh we have customers now." Taehyung was left dumbfounded as the younger quickly marched to his spot, ears red.

"What's wrong with him?" He muttered to himself and shrugged, ready to clean the glasses because definitely, the customers started to enter the place.

A tap interrupted him and he looked up to see a familiar face, a soft smile on the lips.

"Yoongi Hyung!"

"Good evening to you too." Yoongi chuckled and leaned over the counter before taking the stool.

Taehyung was smiling so widely, he was truly happy to see this angel after so long.

"What a surprise!" Yoongi nodded and gestured to a table.

"I've someone with me as well." Taehyung made an 'o' with his lips.

"That's great. So, how are you? Your job? Ah- what do you want? Do you already met with Jin hyung?"

"Calm down boy! I just came here and met you first. Also, I'm planning to stay for the night today as Jin was bombarding my phone for weeks to do so." Yoongi calmly answered the brunet who nodded excitedly, a wave of happiness hit him witnessing the beaming boy for the first time and it was beyond satisfactory. 

"That's great! Let me tell Jiniee hyung-"

"Hey hey stop!" Yoongi chuckled again at the excitement of the younger.

"Just grab some soft drinks and come with me. I want you to meet my new f- friend." Taehyung cocked his brow at that, not skipping to notice the red ears of the silver-haired.

"Why your ears are turning red? First Kai and now you too." Taehyung mumbled the last words to himself but Yoongi rolled his eyes before rubbing his red ears.

"It's cold! Come on, just grab some drinks quickly before it gets rushy."

Taehyung nodded finally, poured some drinks for the two, and followed the other who led him to the table where a boy was already sitting, his back showing to him.

"Here. Meet him, the Kim Taehyung I know." Yoongi said and Taehyung set the drinks before looking up with a confused expression at the words of the older, but he gasped likewise the third person.


"Mr. P- Park," Taehyung mumbled, totally surprised, and the same goes for Jimin but he had a smile on his plump lips. In the next second, Taehyung was engulfed in a tight but warm embrace.

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