Chapter 25: In The Air

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The end of the first semester was soon approaching and time seemed to just slip through Mew's hands as he had more and more things to do. Professors seemed to add more weight to the load every chance they got, merciless to their students without a second thought as if they themselves had forgotten what it was like to be a college student.

Mew knew they were just doing their jobs, but damn did his brain need a rest. Even though this wasn't his first rodeo with this whole thing it didn't mean he was less affected by it or ready for it either.

And for once he was actually glad to be going home. As much they upset and annoyed him, sometimes a little too much, he still cared for and missed his family. He missed his mom's cooking, his sister's relentless gossiping and non-scary nor threatening glares. And as much as he annoyed him, he missed his dad as well.

Though he also dreaded their reunion. His dad would do the same shit he always did; pretend to forget about his son's sexuality and ask if he's seeing any girls or is perhaps in a relationship. Or he'll tell him that he's got a girl that Mew should think about going out with, and how she's the daughter of one of his lawyer friends and he'll tell him about all the benifits of dating, (or even marrying) someone of high standing.

And through it all, all he'll do it keep quiet, he'll sit there pretending to listen, pretending to considering it. But he won't, because none of that is even an option for him. Because even if he was wanting to get married in the future, (which he wasn't) it wasn't going to be with a woman.

Mew knew from a young age he didn't want to ever get married, and he hasn't changed his mind on it even now. Heck, he wasn't even planning on dating anyone anymore. It all just seemed useless to him, and stupid. Because what if you or your partner one day decide that you or they no longer want to be together.

What happens if that spark suddenly dies out and things are no longer the same. Then you have to go through all the paperwork and legal issues that you could've completely avoided if you just didn't get married. He wasn't dissing marriage or putting a bad name on it, it was just his own personal opinion on the matter, others had their own decisions on the matter, but he just didn't see the need for it.

So having his father hype up the whole thing just annoyed him. He wasn't even thinking about the feelings that these things needed to come with, only the benifits that could be gained, the money, the power. As much as he cares for the man, he got on his nerves to no end.

In short, visiting them had its pros and cons, he just couldn't tell which one out weighed the other.


Mew was standing on the tips of his toes, the pads of his slim fingers stretching as far as they could as he tried to reach a certain book that was just, just out of his reach.

He'd gone to the college's library in search of a law book he needed, and after a few minutes of scouring the many book filled shelves he'd finally found it, though it was annoyingly just out of his reach. He had lost count of how many times he'd groaned in frustration.

He was glad no one was around to witness his struggle, the whole scene was just embarrassing and his cheeks were already red from even the thought of someone seeing him.

Though after about a minute of trying to reach the newly forsaken book he was finally able to get it after jumping, but chidded himself right after for not thinking of doing it sooner.

Walking over to the sitting area he places his things down on the wooden table before taking a seat himself. The library was relatively empty, only a handful of students were present as well as the lady working at the front desk, but otherwise it was empty, which was nice.

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