Chapter 40: A 'Once Were'

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It was cold, the sound of pouring rain attesting to that, yet Mew could barely feel it. The arms around him brought more then enough warmth to his body.

He and Daen were laying in his bed, the elder backhugging him, an arm draped over his waist with their fingers intertwined.

Daen had his chin resting atop his shoulder as they softly spoke to one another. A thick blanket draped over them, trapping the heat in.

They watched as the rain came down against Mew's window, and Daen pulled him closer.

"You know, I still can't believe you came all the way over here just to spend the night with me, especially at this time." Says Mew playing with their connected hands.

Daen places a soft kiss to the back of his neck before replying. "Well, I missed you and wanted to come see you." Mew smiles, biting his bottom lip.

"Yeah, well you could've at least messaged me to say you were coming over so you could come through the front door instead of sneaking in through my window." Daen laughs, rising up to plant a chaste kiss against Mew's lips, his eyes filling with adoration as he stares down at Mew.

"Where's the fun in that?"


The sound of metal clanking against porcelain fills the room as everyone digs into their food. It was delicious, flavourful, and Mew was trying his best to enjoy it. He really was, but it was proving to be harder than he thought.

His previous hunger from before had completely vanished. It was hard to enjoy the delicious meal when the man who broke his heart and instilled a plethora of issues in him was sat right across from him.

His chest felt tight, his mouth had gone dry and no matter how much he drank his thirst was never quenched.

What could he do? The man whom he had once thought was the love of his life was sitting in the same room as him. He was still in shock, it had been years since they had last seen each other. Mew had still been in high school at the time.

But that, that was nothing compared to the surprise he'd gotten after finally registering that he not only was seeing Daen for the first time in what seemed to be forever, but by the fact that he was Gulf's brother.

Gulf's fucking brother.

But it made sense. Now he knew why Gulf's face had looked so familiar and reminded him of someone, he just hadn't been able to place it. I mean, the possibility had never even occurred to him, why would it have?

It had also occurred to him that he didn't even known what Gulf's last name was. It was never mentioned or brought up. Gulf had never once told him what it was. It seemed almost impossible to believe, and yet it couldn't be more true.

He didn't know how to handle the situation. What should he do? Should he tell Gulf? Or just not tell him? But he was sure to notice that something was up, sense the tension.

His thoughts were a mess, all jumbled up and mixing together.

And Daen. What was going on in his head? Although he had managed to keep a straight face earlier, trying his best to act normal, Mew could tell he had also been caught off guard. His blue eyes gave away everything. Mew didn't know whether to be happy or worried that he could still read his ex so well.

The sound of someone clearing their throat catches Mew's attention and he looks up after taking another bite of rice.

Gulf's father was looking at him from the end of the table, just one seat down from him. "So Mew, are you in the same faculty as Gulf? How do you two know each other?"

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