Chapter 5: A Friend Who Sees

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"So who is she?" Katya's friend Bob asked. She'd been the only one the Russian had communicated with steadily since her move to Boston. Bob owned a restaurant around the corner from Katya's house and since the Russian couldn't cook for herself at all, she went there for lunch and dinner every almost every day.

"Who is who?" The former ballerina asked as she stuck her fork into another piece of ravioli.

"The girl who's got you smiling like an idiot. Seriously, it's kinda unnerving to see you all happy and shit."

"Oh please, there is no one." Katya replied rolling her eyes.

"Mhm? So miss I'm-so-miserable-because-my-career-is-over just suddenly decided to become a shimmering ray of sunshine? Yeah, I don't buy that." Bob said.

"I am not self-pitying looser, I simply have accepted fate." Katya argued.

"You're one hundred prosent a self-pitying bitch. I love you, but if you think you don't whine about your misfortune then you've gotta take a long hard look in the mirror, Kat. Now, back to my original question, who's the chick who's got you swooning?"

"Again, there is no girl. You know me, I see no one except those in your restaurant." Katya said.

At the very same moment a familiar blonde entered the restaurant, her blonde waves bouncing as she walked and her pink heels clicking against the wooden floors. Bob gave Katya a knowing look as the Russian seemed hypnotized by the young girl.

"Friend of yours?" Bob asked.

"Ehm.. student, actually." Katya replied, tho her mind was compeltely distracted by the girl who was walking up to the bar counter, asking for the owner.

"Wait, student? Since when do you teach?"

"It has been around one week, I think?" Katya said casually, even tho she knew very well that it had been exactly one week, three days, six hours and twenty-eight minutes since she first started teaching Trixie, and one week, four days, eight hours and seven minutes since the girl first showed up at her doorstep begging for the Russian to train her.

"Hey Bob! This girl wants to talk to you!" A bartender called out. Katya couldn't help but feel upset that Trixie not only hadn't noticed her, but was also looking for her friend instead of her.

"Aah, so she's the girl." Bob said as she stood up from the table.

"What?" Katya asked.

"Your smile fell the minute you heard she wasn't looking for you. Don't worry, bitch, I won't be stealing her away." Bob teased.

"Fuck off." The Russian muttered, the broody demeanor that Bob knew her for returning.

"Whatever, you wanna go say hi or what?"

Katya didn't reply but she did follow behind the other woman as she walked over to the bar where Trixie was waiting.

"Hi there, how can I help you?" Bob asked the young girl.

"Oh hi, are you Bob? Uh, Katya? Hi! I didn't see you there!" Trixie said, her face lighting up at the sight of her ballet instructor.

"Hello Trixie, it is nice to see you." Katya said, an uncharacteristically shy smile on her lips as she felt her as if her heart was completely on display.

"It's nice to see you too." The girl replied happily, a soft blush on her pale cheeks.

"So, Trixie? What can I do for you?" Bob asked.

"Oh right, ehm, I was kinda hoping for a job. I've got some experience as a waitress, and I really need the money. I sorta impulsively moved here so I've been staying at the Midtown Motel, but my funds are already running low."

"Oh sure-" Bob started but she was quickly interrupted by Katya.

"But Trixie you need time to train, you can not spend time making muscles tired with waitress work." Katya argued.

"Katya, I'd love to only dance but I need money, otherwise I'll have nowhere to stay and no way to pay for food."

"Well, if she's gotta dance that much and she's training with you, couldn't you house her, Katya?" Bob suggested boldly.

"Huh?" Trixie and Katya said at the same time.

"Well, you've got tons of space at your house, you've got more than enough money, and Trixie needs a better place to stay then some rundown motel. Wouldn't it just be practical for everyone?" Bob said with a cheeky smile.

"Uhm... I suppose.. I mean I would not mind.." Katya said nervously.

"Oh really!? That would be amazing! Thank you so so much!" Trixie said excitedly before throwing herself into the Russian's arms.

"You're welcome." Bob mouthed at Katya with a proud smile, causing the Russian to blush deeply.

She'd have Trixie Mattel staying in her house. The very embodiment of temptation would be around her all hours of every day.
Somehow Katya couldn't decide if this was a blessing or a curse.
But nevertheless a smile spread across her lips as she wrapped her arms around the Barbie-doll's small waist, as she let herself enjoy having the young girl's body pressed against her own.

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