Chapter 3: A Brave Girl

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Trixie looked up at the big white house, never before had she visited a private home that actually had columns at the front. It looked like a freaking mansion. Compared to the shitty motel where she herself was staying, this place was like a castle.

"Okay, Trixie. You can do this, it's just someone you've looked up to alot, who you also sort of had a crush on, who's stunningly gorgeous, and whom you desperately need the help of in order to get a career. No pressure." Trixie said quietly to herself as she stepped up to the doorbell before gaining the courage to actually ring it.

After a short while the door flung open revealing a stunning woman that Trixie had only ever seen on stage or on her computer screen. She'd seen Katya do a couple solo roles as a guest at the American Ballet but her absolute favorite was when she had danced Aurora in Sleeping Beauty. The role was so demanding, so insanely difficult, and yet Katya had made it look so effortless. Of course, most good soloists would make it look easy, but Katya... she was in another league entirely.

On stage Trixie had known Katya to look beautiful, and of course, pictures had shown her stunning features, but wow, seeing her in real life was another thing entirely. She was just so.. hot.

She'd clearly gotten a little older since the last photos Trixie had seen taken of her, but it only made her features more prominent. Her high cheekbones seemed higher, and her icy blue eyes seemed bluer. Her hair had been cut short with bangs, clearly no longer having to put it up into a bun often. She did look to be in workout attire tho, her strong, toned body showing through her tights and leotard.

"Hi.. ehm.. are you... I mean, you are.. I.. You're Katya Zamolodchikova, right?" Trixie stuttered out nervously once she realized she had stared at little too long, and also that Katya had in fact been staring at her which made her blush.

"Well, yes. I am. Who are you?" Katya replied, her Russian accent still prominent despite the fact that the Russian ballerina had lived in the US for years.

"Hi, I'm Trixie Mattel. I need you to train me."

"What?" Katya said, completely taken back by the statement.

"Please, I'm almost twenty-one, I'm a trained ballet dancer, but I didn't get any apprenticeship yet, and time is ticking. Please, train me." Trixie told her in desperation.

"I understand time is ticking, you are getting old. But I am not teacher, and I do not even truly dance actively. That part of my life is over."

"Please, you're my last chance. I get that showing up here is insane and intrusive, but I need your help." Trixie begged the woman.

Katya considered the girl's request. She knew why the girl hadn't been chosen by any company, one glance at the girl told her everything she needed to know about that. Still, she felt sorry for Trixie as she herself knew all too well how painful it was to have your ballet career end too soon.

But could she help the girl?
Well, she could at least try...

She also couldn't deny that it was tempting to get to know the young girl. Trixie was quite possibly the most beautiful woman she had ever seen, and she was so dangerously similar to Katya's dream girl, and on top of it all the girl was interested in the artform that Katya loved above everything else. Of course, the chances of the girl being gay were very slim, and even smaller was the chance that she'd be interested in Katya, but a girl could hope, right?

"Okay." Katya finally said.

"Really?" The young girl replied, her face lighting up.

"Yes, we start tomorrow at noon. Come in classic leotard and tights so I can see your body line well. I have studio in house, so we can work here."

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" Trixie said, a bright smile on her lips and tears in her eyes.

"You are welcome. And Trixie, be warned, I will expect a lot from you. There will be no time for playing around." Katya said. Trixie forgot to reply for a second as she felt her knees go weak from the Russian saying her name.

"I promise I'll work my hardest, I won't let you down." She finally replied.

"Good." Katya said, smiling to herself at the thought of having Trixie in her studio day in and day out until the girl could get a job.

Somehow she thought this might just turn out to be quite enjoyable.

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