Chapter 17: A Judgmental Woman

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Trigger warning: fatshaming

"Katya, you cannot be serious." Mrs. Johnson said as soon as the young dancer had left the room.

"What do you mean?" Katya asked, genuinely surprised by the woman's reaction. She had known Eva as many things, but never one to disregard unmatched talent.

"Well, I mean just look at her. You cannot seriously expect me to give that a job." Eva said, as if the very idea of suggesting it was ridiculous.

"I have eyes, I look, she is highly skilled dancer." The Russian replied shrugging her shoulders. Inside she felt her anger grow, but she knew she had to remain calm for Trixie's sake.

"Sure, she's good enough, but no one wants to see Miss Piggy in a serious ballet. I don't know what you're doing with that blonde bimbo, but whatever it is you're wasting your time, and hers. Did your type change, is that it? I bet you'd sleep with your students, your kind always do. You wanted the sex-doll fantasy, right? She may be good in bed, Katya, but she'll never be a ballet dancer." The woman spoke harshly as she gathered her papers. Katya was fuming, both from the woman's vile way of talking about Trixie, but also the simmering homophobia in her speech.

"That girl is better than any principal dancer you have, and you know it. She belongs on stage! Are you that scared of changing beauty standard in ballet? And do not dare come after my kind, we both know straight male choreographers who do not hesitate to touch female students without consent, your husband included. A sexuality does not make you predator, being asshole does. My kind, as you say, are not issue. Main issue here is you are judging Trixie purely on her body when she is good enough to compete with best dancers of the world. She is better than I was!" Katya yelled as the woman headed towards the door.

"That may be true, but then again, you weren't good enough to not run and get yourself injured were you, Katya?" Eva spat harshly. 

The Russian rarely let her strong front down, but in that moment Katya's entire soul felt as if it left her body. Sure, she and Eva hadn't always been on the best terms, but the former dancer would have never suspected her to bring up the trauma of that day. Tears stung in her eyes as she remembered the moment when her career ended:

She was floating across the stage, acting out the heartbreaking scene as dramatic music played. In the hall was her mother, flown in from Russia and there to watch her daughter dance for the first time in years. She ran frantically across the stage when she suddenly felt herself trip on a misplaced prop. It could only have taken a couple seconds, but in Katya's head it seemed like an eternity. Her pointe shoe ribbon coming loose, the pull as it got stuck causing her to trip, the genuine fear as she tumbled off the stage, her knee hitting a metal stand as she fell into the orchestra pit. She screamed out in agony as she landed, her leg twisted in the most unnatural position and her knee aching from the painful hit. 

"Forget Sleeping Beauty." Katya replied as she held back her tears.

"What?" Mrs. Johnson replied in shock, clearly used to having her way even if she acted disrespectfully.

"I am not choreographing for you." 

"Katya, we had a deal." The other woman said angrily.

"Yes, but that was before you insulted me, my sexuality and my dancer. We have no contract, nothing in writing, and I will not do it." Katya said, a mix or hurt and anger glowing in her eyes. 

Eva didn't say another word, instead she simply huffed and stormed out the door without saying goodbye. As Katya walked out after her, she was met with the heartbreaking sight of a devastated Trixie. 

"You heard?" She asked as she realized the girl must have heard the hurtful things Mrs. Johnson had said. "Trixie, listen it i.."

But Trixie didn't listen, instead she just ran to her room, locking the door behind her.

"Fuck." Katya whispered to herself, feeling guilt settle in her stomach.

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