Chapter 1: A New Path

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"Trixie, you're acting crazy." Courtney said as the brown eyed girl threw her clothes into a suitcase.

"No, I'm not. You said it yourself, I need someone to train me, someone who is better than anyone in the company." Trixie replied.

"I know what I said, but I didn't mean for you to move away. You don't even know if she'll want to train you. She's turned every job down, Trix. She got the chance to choreograph for the Boston Ballet and turned it down. She's been asked time and time again to teach at the school, but refuses to do it. She's barely been seen since she quit. You could go there only to be turned away." The tiny blonde spoke in frustration.

"I know, but I have to try. Boston is my best chance. She is my best chance. It's been months since the auditions, no one's even given me a chance at an apprenticeship, and my technique is starting to suffer from lack of practice. I need to do this." Trixie told her.

As much as Trixie liked Courtney, she knew the younger blonde would never truly understand her struggle. Courtney was gorgeous, had the perfect ballet body, and was only nineteen. She had gotten an apprenticeship on her first try the year before and was well on her way towards a stable career.

She was the perfect ballerina, everything Trixie herself had dreamed she would become. But she that also meant that she had no way of understanding the desperate situation Trixie was in. A ballet career is short, most ending at the age of forty, which meant Trixie was already getting old.

"I get that, but can you blame me for being worried? What if she turns you down too? What will you do then? Do you even have a place to stay?" Courtney pressed.

"I don't know what I'll do. I just have a feeling about this, allright? And I'll find a place to stay, for now I'll just have to find a motel room or something." Trixie replied as she packed all her dance equipment in a bag.

"A motel room?! Trixie, you've got none of this planned out! How do you even plan to meet her? Just show up at her apartment?"

Trixie knew the girl was yelling out of worry, but she still couldn't help but get upset by how harshly Courtney was responding to the news of her leaving town.

"Courtney, I have no home here. I'm not allowed to stay at the dorm anymore, I can't afford an apartment here, and I don't have a job. I refuse to go back to Milwaukee, so yes, I'll happily stay in a motel room in order to have one last  chance at my dream. And while it may be creepy, I found her adress online, so yes, I plan to just show up. It will probably be awkward and embarrassing, but it's worth it for the chance to train with her. She's Russian afterall, don't Russians usually like people who have strong conviction?" Trixie said firmly.

She had made her decision, there was no way anyone was changing her mind. There was nothing left for her in New York, but Boston could hold the key to her future.

"But it's so risky, Trix.." Courtney said, worry clouding her voice.

"Court, answer me this; has there ever been a better principal ballerina then Katya Zamolodchikova? Has there ever been anyone so sought after?" The brown eyed girl asked.

"No... she was exceptional. She had the Russian technique and tradition, and the American musicality and artistry. It was a tragedy that she had to quit." Courtney admitted.

"Exactly, so who better than her to train me? If I can become even half as good as her, I'd easily get an apprenticeship anywhere." Trixie said.

"I see your point... I just think it seems like a rushed decision, but I get it, you have to do what's best for you. I really hope you succeed in this, truly, I just don't see her wanting to help you." The tiny blonde said.

"I'll make her want to help me. Afterall, few know the pain of being denied the joy of dancing as well as she does." Trixie said.

"I suppose you're right." Courtney replied.

They finished packing everything up and two hours later Trixie was on a four hour train to Boston, a pink suitcase and a large dance bag by her side as she started her new adventure.

She would make Katya Zamolodchikova train her, no matter how difficult it would be.

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