Chapter 7: A Day Like No Other

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"Let us work on Giselle, you know Act One variation, no?" Katya asked.

"Yeah, I know it." Trixie replied before making her way to the proper start position on the floor.

They'd been working together for about three weeks. Living together brought constant sexual tension, but they'd also found a comfortable daily routine. Trixie made breakfast for them both every morning and lunch on days where she wasn't exhausted. They stretched together in the morning and started class with work by the barre at ten. From eleven until one they worked in the center and across the floor. Then they had lunch from one, and from two to six they'd work on standard solo variations and pointe technique before heading to Bob's restaurant for dinner.

Katya pressed play on the music and watched in interest as the young girl danced beautifully.

"Lighter! She is young, naive, innocent, carefree. It must look simple." Katya yelled out, nodding as the girl danced lighter and more playfully, practically soaring across the floor.

"Wonderful!" The Russian said as Trixie entered one of the most challenging parts where the dancer must jump in tiny jumps with one foot on pointe and make it look easy. The other leg had to be able to move freely and smoothly despite the immense force and strength needed in the supporting and jumping leg, and this was where most would unintentionally reveal how challenging the variation actually was.

Trixie went into the last section, a circle around the room of piqué turns, mastering them with ease and finishing the variation perfectly.

"How was that?" The girl asked, picking up her water bottle to take a sip of water.

"Very good, feeling was much better after first section, and the last turns were excellent. But I think your penché can go much deeper and your center was off in the first pirouettes, that we must improve. Remember, lazy dancer gets nowhere, hardworking dancer wins long-term."

"Okay, thank you. But I don't know if I can go lower on my penché." Trixie replied honestly.

"You absolutely can, you just need to think that magnet is connecting your back to your hip. You move both down, but they must never loose eachother. And you must push leg up further, really work it and push it as far as possible. Get in position and I will help." Katya said.

Trixie quickly got in the correct position, lifting one leg up behind her and bending forward with a straightened back until her leg pointed diagonally up towards the ceiling. Katya got behind her, wrapping one arm around the girl's waist for support, so the ballerina wouldn't fall, before placing her other hand on her mid-thigh, pushing the leg up further. Trixie tried to focus on the task, but was unable to ignore the way her skin tingled deliciously where the Russian's hands held her.

Katya pushed the leg up further until it created a completely straight line up towards the ceiling, shifting her hand a little higher on the girl's thigh to keep her hips steady in the correct position. The longer they remained in the position however, the more Katya realized how annoyingly sexual ballet could be.

Suddenly all she could think about was how her hand was only inches away from Trixie's most intimate place, and that if she moved the thin strip of fabric from her leotard to the side and ripped open the tights, Trixie would be completely bare before her. Her core on full display due to the position. Katya tried to shake the thoughts away, but she couldn't help it. Day in and day out she'd stare at Trixie's body, analyzing every movement in detail whilst the girl was clad only in a leotard and tights, the outline of her perky nipples often showing through the thin fabric. It was like heavenly torture.

"Ehm, good... that is.. it is good.. Work for this." Katya said awkwardly as she guided the girl's leg down.

"Yeah... great, I'll.. I mean, I'll work on it." Trixie replied, stumbling over her words. "Ehm, so the turns?"

"Yes, great. Let us work on turns." Katya said, clearing her throat a little before placing her hands on either side of the girl's waist as a male ballet partner would commonly do.
"So, imagine partner is supporting you, you can not move balance point, right? No. So alone you need same feeling. Try one pirouette." Katya instructed.

Trixie nodded and did the pirouette from the variation a couple times, thinking about where her point of balance was and adjusting her center after it.

"Good, now without help." Katya said after the girl had completed a perfect turn.

Trixie tried again, but lost her balance from overthinking and adjusting whilst turning. In a swift movement however she was safely caught by Katya's arms, and looking up into clear blue eyes that were flicking down to her lips, as her heart beat out of her chest.

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