Chapter 10: A Late Night

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Trixie usually went to bed quite early, however on one particular night, the faint sound of music woke her up. She reckognized the piece, it was the music to the dramatic "madness scene" from Giselle. Trixie loved that scene, it was heartbreaking but amazing to watch when performed well, but terribly difficult as it's success greatly depended on the soloist's ability to act well. She herself found it to be insanely difficult to do for that very reason, it was so easy to make it look awkward and unconvincing.

Curious to see why the music was playing, the young girl wandered through the halls of Katya's house, following the sound to the in-house studio. The door was left slightly open, so she pushed it up further and stepped inside, her eyes widening in shock as she took in the sight in front of her.

There, inside the dark studio, Katya was performing the scene as if she was dancing to a crowd of thousands. You'd never know that she was injured from watching her move across the floor.

Trixie felt a tear roll down her cheek at the heartbreaking scene and the unmatched beauty of Katya's dancing. She was just as good as Trixie remembered her, and it only made the fact that the woman's career had ended early all the more devastating.

"You're incredible." Trixie said teary-eyed as the music stopped.

"Oh, Trixie. Thank you, but I am not so good anymore. Did I wake you? I am sorry." Katya replied, slightly out of breath.

"Oh no it's fine, I don't mind waking up to watch that. And yes you are good, you're seriously amazing! You're as good as I remember you."

"I do not know if that is compliment..." Katya mumbled.

"Of course it is, you were amazing back then and you still are! Honestly, why are you hiding in your house? You should be on stage or instructing or something." Trixie told her.

"I am, I am instructing you." The Russian said before wrapping her arms around the girl's waist from behind leaning her head on the doll's shoulder.

"You know that's not what I mean."

"I know, кукла, but it is not easy like you think. I do not wish to enter studio and be the failed ballerina who must become teacher." Katya told her.

"I get that, but you could choreograph or something. I've seen your choreographies online, they were wonderful. Also no one would think badly of you, everyone in the ballet world loves you. I know you've gotten offers and turned them down... I just don't get why." Trixie said as she turned around in Katya's arms, wrapping her arms around the woman's neck.

"It is complicated..." Katya said sadly, fear shining in her eyes.

"Well, I wish you'd reconsider. Listen, what you have on stage, that's something no one's ever gonna be able to recreate. That spark doesn't deserve to be locked inside out of fear. It should be free to run wild and create." Trixie said before placing a soft kiss on Katya's lips.

Katya thought in that moment that maybe this was what she had been missing in her life.

Someone to cheer for her.
Someone to push her.
Someone to care for her.

Someone who wouldn't let her give into her fears but would instead push her to fight through them.

Maybe that was what she needed?

"It is late, we should go to sleep." Katya told the girl after a while, despite not truly wanting to release her from the hug.

"Yes, we should. But can we please stay here for a little while longer?" Trixie asked cutely.

"We can stay as long as you want to, кукла." Katya whispered before kissing the top of the girl's head.

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