Chapter 20: A Love That Lasts

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"How it go?" Katya asked nervously as Trixie stepped out of the room, concerned by the serious look on the girl's face. "It is not good?"

"No..." Trixie said softly. "It's great! Say hello to Boston Ballet's new principal dancer!" The girl added with a bright smile before throwing herself into the older woman's arms.

"Oh my god, Trixie. I am so proud." The Russian said, smiling broader than Trixie had ever seen her do.

"I guess the turtle really wins over the hare in the end, huh?" Trixie joked, thinking about all the dancers she had trained with who had gotten jobs quickly but would still be dancing in the corps, meanwhile she herself would be front and center. She pulled out of the hug, grabbing both of Katya's hands and looking deeply into the woman's eyes.

"Thank you. Thank you for everything you've taught me, and thank you for believing in me." The young ballerina spoke.

"It was pleasure, and of course I believe in you..." Katya said, halting a moment before speaking the words she had held back for so long; "I love you, Trixie."

"Really?" Trixie asked, her face lighting up and tears filling her honey brown eyes.

"Mmhmm... I hope it is not strange.. or early.. or.." 

"Katya, I love you too." The brown-eyed girl interrupted as she captured the Russian's soft lips in a passionate kiss. After about a minute Trixie felt a hand tap her shoulder, causing the two women to pull apart.

"Okay, hey, hi, sorry for interrupting." Brooke said with a slight laugh, making the two women blush as bright red as teenagers who'd been caught by their parents. 

"Hhhm, no that's, that's okay." Trixie said awkwardly.

"I just wanted to congratulate you and welcome you, Trixie. I'm very happy you'll be joining us, and of course nice to know that I don't have to worry about you getting along with our head choreographer." Brooke said, a teasing tone at the end of her sentence. 

"Thank you so much for this opportunity. And yeah, I think we're gonna get along just fine." Trixie said more confidently as she wrapped her arm around the waist of a blushing Katya.

"Great, and Katya, once you're done making out with your girlfriend, I'd really appreciate it if you'd show up for the staff meeting." Brooke said teasingly.

"Ah yes, I-I will, I will be there." Katya told the woman, stuttering slightly. The Canadian just nodded with an amused smile playing on her lips before she walked towards the elevators.

"You should go, don't wanna be late on your first day." Trixie said, straightening her girlfriend's outfit and fixing her smudged lipstick.

"Yes, you are right. I will see you later, любовь моя."  Katya said, pressing a kiss to Trixie's wrist before practically running towards the elevators, knowing she was already close to being late. Trixie waved a little behind her, before letting her fingers run over the small red lipstick mark Katya had left on her skin. 

Katya loved her.
And Trixie had a job.
Trixie was a principal ballerina. 

With shaking hands and teary eyes she called the number that she had avoided calling since she left the academy. 

"Trixie?" A raspy female voice said through the phone.

"Mom." Trixie just barely got out, her hands clutching the locket Katya had given her nervously. 

"Honeybee, it really is you. I haven't heard from you in ages, I thought you'd lost your phone or something. How are you?"  

"I'm good mom, I'm really, really good. I actually... I got hired by the Boston Ballet. They've given me a principal position." Trixie said proudly, her tears starting to roll as she heard her mom gasp through the phone.

"Oh darling, that's amazing! I'm so proud of you, honeybee. So, so, so proud. It's been tough hasn't it?" Her mom said, always knowing Trixie better than anyone despite not having seen her daughter for years.

"Yeah... it has." Trixie admitted as she thought back to all the rejections, all the hurtful words, all the time she'd been kicked around and mocked. "But I don't have to fight alone anymore.." She added, hoping her mom would ask so she wouldn't have to outright say it.

"You've found a girl?" 

"Yeah, and she's wonderful. Remember that dancer I used to watch videoes of?" The young dancer asked.

"The one I could never pronounce the last name of?" Her mom asked making Trixie laugh.

"That's the one, Katya, Katya Zamolodchikova. I've been training with her, and we, well she's my girlfriend." Trixie said.

"Well, I haven't seen her for a while, but from what I remember she was really pretty, and really talented. Is she kind?" 

"She's the kindest person I've ever met, she doesn't always seem like it, but she's a real softie. And I love her mom." The young girl said.

"I'm so happy for you, Trixie. Listen, I've gotta run unfortunately. But why don't you come visit soon?  And of course, bring Katya along. I miss you, honeybee." Her mom said. 

For years she had avoided going home, knowing she'd be unable to show that her mom's hard work and belief had payed off. But now.. now she finally could.

"I'd love that. I miss you too, mom." Trixie said before they said their goodbyes and hung up.

She put her phone in her dance bag and smiled happily as she looked at her reflection in the hallway windows. Her body was beautiful, she was beautiful. Different from many ballerinas, sure, but still beautiful. Not because anyone else had decided so, but because she herself believed it now.

She had proved them all wrong.
She'd won the war.

She had made it.

And the funny thing was that despite how long she'd worked to get that job, getting that acceptance could not compare to hearing Katya say that she was proud of her. It could not compare to hearing Katya saying she loved her.

That was the best prize of all.

She'd taken the biggest risk of her life when she packed up her things and left for Boston to beg Katya to train her, but she'd do it again in a heartbeat, because in the end;

she'd gotten so much more than a ballet teacher.

She had found the love of her life.

A/N: We've reached the end! I might write an epilogue at Trixie's mom's house, but the story stops here. Thank you so much for your support for this story! My new Trixya story "Lights, Camera, Action" is out with it's first chapter (the chapter from the preview), and more chapters will be added soon.

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