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Trigger warning: fatshaming

"And the last apprenticeship has been given to Violet, congratulations to everyone." Madame Surrat told the class.

Trixie let a tear fall as she clutched her fists. This had been her last chance.
It was her last year at the academy and without an apprenticeship, she had no future.

Her entire life up to that point had been spent training. She'd given up everything and everyone to live and train in New York. Her mom had used the entire inheritance from Trixie's grandfather to pay to send Trixie to the school, doing everything she could in order to let the young girl follow her dream. So the thought of disappointing her killed Trixie.

"Madame Surrat, please help me audition again. You know I'm good, I just can't give up on this." Trixie begged the instructor. Madame Surrat was highly respected, having been a principal dancer for the American Ballet in her younger years, but to Trixie's disappointment the woman shook her head at the request.

"Another audition will not change things, Trixie. You have talent yes, but there are many things to consider. They are doing what is best for the company, they need an ensemble, a unit. No one can stick out. They must be like one person. Your weight and build is the problem, we've been telling you for years and yet you've done nothing to change." The woman said harshly.

"That's not true! I've gone on diets, nearly starved at times, I lost so much weight over the last two years." Trixie argued.

"It doesn't change the fact that you look fat on stage. I'm sorry to be frank, Trixie, really I am, but you need a wake up call. This isn't the career path for you. People want to see elegant swans on stage, not elephants in tutus." Madame Surrat said before picking up her bag and heading towards the door. "I'm sorry, Trixie. I know it hurts, but the truth is still the truth." She added before walking out.

Trixie burst into tears then, unable to fully believe what her former teacher had said. Madame Surrat used to be her biggest supporter, she used to say that Trixie would become a principle dancer, and yet here she was throwing out hateful comments about Trixie's body.

The twenty year-old girl stared at herself in the mirror, hating her reflection for the first time in her life.

Was she really that ugly to look at?

Sure, Trixie had felt her body to be her enemy since puberty, since she had suddenly gained large breasts, a big ass, and wide hips, none of which were great for a ballet dancer. But she also always thought that her waist was slim and her lines were overall pretty and feminine. Now however, she hated every curve she could see, knowing that they were what killed her career.

Still, she couldn't give up.
She refused to give up.
She couldn't go back to Milwaukee, not after her mother had done so much in order to give her a better life.
No, she had to become a ballerina.

There had to be a way, and Trixie was going to find it.

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