Chapter 14: A Heart Of Gold

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"Oh my god, this place looks incredible!" Trixie said happily as she viewed the restaurant which had been covered by flower arrangements, fairy lights and wax candles. 

"Anything for our favorite customers. Enjoy your evening." Bob said, before leaving the pair in the care of one of the restaurant's best waiters. They quickly placed their orders, knowing the menu by heart, and soon enough the waiter returned with their drinks, their food following not long after. 

"I really can't thank you enough for doing all this, Katya. This really is above and beyond anything I've ever done for my birthday." The young girl said as she sipped her champagne.

"It is nothing, I just want you to be happy. You are happy, no?" Katya said.

"Very, I honestly don't think I've ever been as happy as I've been since I moved into your place." Trixie answered honestly.

"Good, that is good."

"Are you? Happy?" The brown-eyed girl asked in a serious tone.

Trixie was certain that Katya saw her better than anyone, even if there was much she didn't know, Katya's ocean blue eyes observed every detail of who and what Trixie was day in and day out. The young ballerina however was not granted the same privilege, and so to her so much of Katya was still a mystery.

Katya carried so much sorrow and pain in her heart, and her shoulders seemed heavy with the burden of it all. And yet she laughed, and smiled, and loved as if nothing was bothering her. But in the shadows of the night Trixie had found Katya dancing, dreaming of a life she once had, a time when the world was hers.

The brown-eyed girl wondered if she'd ever get the chance to study Katya as the Russian studied her.
Would she ever be able to know what went on inside that troubled mind when those blue eyes with specs of green in them turned dark and cold?
Would she know the Russian's past?
The stories that had never been told?
The parts of Katya's life that hadn't put on the cover of some dance magazine that wanted to exploit her injury for numbers?  

Katya's eyes saw everything. It was something Trixie had quickly started to love about her. Even an empty studio became a stage with a full audience in Katya's mind.

Her eyes, her beautiful eyes, had a vision of how every single movement should look. Every flick of a wrist, every bend of the torso, even the tiniest extensions had thousands of layers in her mind. Those eyes saw a world that no one else saw, and converted it's temperatures and moods into wonderfully detailed movements.

Those eyes looked at Trixie like no one ever had, and the young girl wouldn't trade that for anything.

"I am more happy every day, because of you." Katya said as she placed a small box on the table.

"Is this you asking me for my hand in marriage? I do not know if my mother would approve of giving me away so soon." Trixie said dramatically as if they were in a period drama. 

"Just open it." The Russian replied with a laugh, the beautiful doll in front of her never failing to make her smile.

Trixie carefully opened the box gasping as she saw the small gold locket, opening it to find a photo of her and Katya on one side, and her mom on the other.

"I went on your mother's Facebook to get picture of her, I hope you are not upset. I only thought she would give you strength to go on important audition." Katya said.


"Yes, Eva Johnson from San Francisco Ballet is coming to town in couple of days, and she has agreed to come see you dance. It is big opportunity, but I think you are ready." The Russian said.

"You got me an audition?" Trixie asked.

"Yes, кукла." 

"Oh my god, did you also get me a house? Jesus Christ this birthday is insane. I can't believe you got me an audition! And this dress, and this beautiful locket and breakfast in bed.." Trixie rambled in disbelief at the other woman's generosity. 

"There is one more thing..."

"What?" The doll asked curiously, her mind still unable to process the fact that Katya has scored her an audition for one of America's best companies. 

"I wanted to know if you would maybe.. possibly... I mean there is no pressure... but.. would you be my girlfriend?" Katya asked nervously, the word feeling more foreign than any word in the English language ever had.

Trixie felt stunned, even tho she and Katya had been making out a lot and were dating, the idea of someone like Katya actually wanting to be in a relationship with her was almost unbelievable. She'd always thought that someone like Katya wouldn't even look in her direction, and yet here she was, showering Trixie in gifts and asking her to be her girlfriend. The girl that everyone admired and so many wanted, was asking Trixie to be hers.

"I.. I would love to. I'd like that so much, you've got no idea." Trixie replied as she smiled broader than she ever had, before leaning over the table to kiss her new girlfriend. 

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