Chapter 12: A Deal Worth Making

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Two days later whilst Trixie was making lunch, Katya was up in her bedroom, calling a woman whom she'd been avoiding for the past year. Eva Johnson was the artistic director at the San Francisco Ballet, and Katya had heard rumors that the woman would be visiting Boston. The woman had been trying to persuade Katya to come choreograph for her or come visit their company, and so the Russian saw an opportunity. 

"Hello Katya. To what do I owe this pleasant surprise? Are you going insane? Or have you simply remembered that you own a phone for the first time in a year?" Eva said sarcastically once she picked up.

"It is nice to talk to you too, Eva. Now, will sarcasm remain, or can I ask my question?" Katya replied in a snappy tone.

"Of course, Katya, I was only joking. What's all this about?"

"I hear you will come to town next week, rumor say so. You come to be guest at Boston Ballet, hold workshop, no?" The Russian asked.

"Yes, I'll be there for a couple days." The other woman confirmed.

"Perfect. I have student that you must let audition for you. She is only student I have ever agreed to teach, beautiful ballerina, wonderful technique. You will come see her and consider if you can give her job." Katya demanded.

"Katya, I can't just randomly audition someone. It's not how things are done, you know that."

"I also know you decide how things are done. Listen, she is exceptional talent, true hidden gem. You can decide to give her audition, I know you can." Katya argued.

"Sure, but why would I? Katya, there are hundreds of girls who'd want to join my company, hundreds of talented and devoted girls begging me for a chance." Eva said.

Katya had expected that the woman would use that point to argue, but she also knew that she had the best and most unarguable response for it, because there was one thing Trixie had that none of the others did. 

"Yes, there are hundreds of girls. But, there is only one girl who has my approval. Only one I have ever trained. That should tell you enough."  The Russian said.

"Allright, fine. I'll do this for you, but then you've gotta do something for me to, Katya."

"Anything, any favor you ask." Katya told the woman.

"Come work with my company next season." Eva demanded.

"You make tough deal... What ballet?"

"Sleeping Beauty, it's the perfect fit, your Aurora is legendary afterall." The woman said, her admiration for the former dancer clear in the tone of her voice.

"Good enough. If you audition her, I will work with company. One production, no more." Katya agreed.

"Perfect. This girl better be worth my time, Katya."

"She is. I promise you." Katya responded before the two said goodbye, a bright smile spreading on the Russian's lips as her last birthday gift to Trixie was finally taken care of.

She made her way downstairs, stopping in the hallway and staring lovingly into the kitchen where Trixie had prepared an amazing lunch spread. It was moments like that which made Katya think of what it would be like to live together forever, and let whatever their current relationship was become something official and slip into a constant state of domestic bliss.

"You gonna stand there all day, or will you help me set the table?" Trixie said jokingly with a teasing smile as she spotted the Russian watching her.

"I think I will stand here, there is very pretty girl in my kitchen. What if I scare her away?" Katya joked, smiling as Trixie came to grab her arm, pulling the blue-eyed girl with her towards the kitchen table as she replied;

"Come on you dork."

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