Chapter 8: A Soft Place To Land

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There were many things Katya didn't know about Trixie Mattel.
She didn't know where the girl was from, she didn't know what her family was like, and possibly most importantly, she didn't know the girl's sexuality.

It was a subject they had never discussed, and despite the fact that there were articles written about Katya dating women, she had no way of knowing if Trixie knew that or if Trixie was even okay with it.
And yet when she looked into the girl's honey brown orbs after barely catching her, she couldn't help herself.

Her eyes flicked down to those pink lips that looked like they'd be soft like pillows and taste of cotton candy. And so, she leaned in, connecting their lips together for the first time.

Trixie thought she was dreaming when she felt Katya's warm, full lips against hers. Never before had she kissed someone who so easily read her signals, who's lips so perfectly fit hers.
She thought back to times where she'd watched videoes of Katya on her phone or read articles about the woman. How childishly she'd fantasized about kissing the skilled ballerina, and now here she was, her childish wish becoming reality.

Katya carefully guided Trixie's back up until they both stood straight, wrapping her arms around the young girl's waist, pulling her closer as she deepened the kiss. The girl's lips tasted of cherries, Katya realised, not cotton candy, but they were just as soft as she had thought. Katya felt oddly centered in that moment. She would never admit it, but she had felt somewhat lost since her injury. But right there, in that moment, she felt as if she had landed.

Trixie released a soft moan as their lips disconnected and Katya felt weak in the knees at the sound, her mind creating countless scenarios where she'd hear similar sounds, her heart beating quickly as her brain replayed the delicious noise as if it was a familiar song.

"That was... wow.." Trixie said breathlessly, a deep blush on her cheeks.

"Yes.. it-it was.." Katya replied.

There was a second of awkwardness, both women just looking at eachother for a moment before diving in again, each girl drowning in the warmth of the other. A magnetic pull connecting their lips once more, electric energy flowing through them as they held onto eachother more desperately than before. Weeks of tension finally being released, their hands exploring eachothers bodies in ways they never had.

Katya's hands went to Trixie's round ass, grabbing the flesh greedily and feeling her core throb as she heard the girl moan again. She didn't think there was any sound more beautiful then the high pitched sounds of pleasure that were slipping out of the doll's mouth.

The Russian had never been one for relationships, always one to get easily bored, and yet she felt a sudden need to know everything about the other blonde. Who truly was the doll who had come into her life like a lightening bolt, who was so daring, confident, and carelessly herself in one moment, and so fragile and soft in the next?

They pulled away once more, both catching their breaths as they stared into eachothers eyes, their pupils dilated, their gazes filled with lust.

"So..." Trixie said with a cute smile. "You gonna let me go?"

Katya shook her head with a smile, moving her arms up until they surrounded the girl's waist again, before she pulled her into a tight hug, sighing happily as Trixie's arms came to rest on her shoulders.

"No, I think I will keep you, кукла." Katya said softly, a joking nature to her tone, even tho she genuinely wanted to keep the girl close.

"Kukla? What's that?"

"Кукла means doll." Katya said, laughing a little at the American's pronunciation of the nickname.

"I like that, I also like you keeping me." Trixie said with a giggle. "Allthough, if you want dinner tonight then we should get going, the restaurant closes soon."

"Then let us not go, we can do other food, maybe order. Pizza? We can make movie night." Katya suggested nervously, feeling almost like a teenager again.

"That sounds perfect." Trixie replied, kissing the Russian's cheek and enjoying that it was for once Katya who was a blushing mess instead of her.

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