Chapter 19: A New Chapter

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A week had gone by before Katya finally mustered up the courage to do what she had avoided for years. With a deep breath she entered Bob's restaurant, sitting down at her usual table as she waited for the person she was meeting.

Bob soon found her, telling the Russian woman to calm down and distracting her by asking about Trixie. Soon the blue-eyed woman had found the video from Trixie's audition which she had stored on her phone, showing Bob how truly insane it was for anyone to turn the young girl away.

"She's really ridiculously talented." Bob said as she watched the video in awe.

"I know, it is shame." Katys replied, not noticing a familiar Canadian blonde who was now standing behind her.

"Hey Katya." The woman said, slightly startling the Russian.

"Oh Brooke, you are here. Sorry, I did not see you." Katya told her.

Brooke Lynn Hytes was head choreographer and executive director of the Boston Ballet, leading the company along with RuPaul Charles.

"That's okay, I can see why you were distracted. Who is that?" Brooke replied, utterly fascinated by the dancer on the small screen.

"Oh, ehm, she is girl I am training, Trixie Mattel." The Russian replied, feeling nervous because of the horrid result introducing Trixie to someone in the dance community had the last time.

"Really? I didn't know you trained people."

"It is only her." Katya said.

"I can see why, she's exceptional. Is this from an audition or something?" Brooke asked as she took a seat at the table.

"Yes, Eva came to see when visiting... It.. It did not go well.."

"Was it because of her body type?" Brooke asked, her voice free of judgement, and Katya could only nod solemnly. "God, didn't expect Eva to be so stuck in the past, I mean even RuPaul has let go of that body-fixated bullshit now... Listen, why don't you bring her in? Maybe on Friday?"

"You.. you want her to audition?" Katya asked in shock.

"Yes, Eva may have let her slip through her fingers, but I certainly won't. I'll need to see her in the room, can't really evaluate everything on tape, but I'd love for her to audition for us."

"Oh my god, you gotta jump on that!" Bob said, and Katya jumped from surprise instead, having completely forgotten that Bob was there. "Sorry, I'll let you two talk." The restaurant owner added as she got up after noticing how awkward the vibe had gotten.

"I... thank you, Brooke. It would mean world to her." Katya said once Bob had left for the bar.

"No, thank you for introducing me to a great dancer. Anyways, why did you wanna talk to me?" Brooke said, curious about the meeting's agenda as Katya really hadn't said much.

Katya took a deep breath to calm her nerves before she spoke.

"I would like to accept offer you made."

"You.. you wanna come be our head choreographer!? Are you serious?" Brooke asked excitedly, having tried and failed countless times to get Katya on their team. Brooke Lynn herself was stepping down from the position, only wishing to remain as executive director, but she refused to hand the position over to just anyone.

"Yes, I would like that." Katya said with a small smile.

"That's really great, Katya. Wow, Katya Zamolodchikova finally stepping out of the shadows! Is it because of her?" Brooke said as she pointed towards Katya's phone screen where Trixie's image was still shown.

"Ehm.. yes, she is my girlfriend.." The Russian admitted, her cheeks reddening. "How did you know?"

"Just a feeling, you looked at her so lovingly when I first came in and you seem protective over her. It's nice to see honestly, I'm really happy for you." Brooke said.

The Canadian had known Katya  for years, danced with her in countless productions and seen first-hand just how hard Katya had taken the news of the severity of her accident. For years Katya had been like a wandering corpse, but now her friend's eyes had light in them again, fire and dedication finally making it's way to the surface.

"Thank you. I am happy too, she makes me better person, stronger person." Katya said honestly, greatly appreciating Brooke's acceptance after her last run in with someone from the dance community.

"That's wonderful, Katya. I'm so happy you've found someone who's giving you the courage to get back into the ring, you deserve that." Brooke told her.

Katya smiled at that as she finally felt the guilt and anger she'd built up over the years fade away.

A new chapter was beginning.
A new chapter with Trixie.

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