Chapter 13: A Bright Morning

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"Trixie? Trixie, wake up. I have surprise." Katya said softly as she nudged the sleeping girl, a tray with sandwiches, pink lemonade, and chocolate chip cookies in her hands.

"Mhmm, what is it?" Trixie said with a yawn as she streched, her beautiful honey brown eyes blinking open.

"Happy birthday." The blue-eyed woman said warmly as she put the tray down in front of the sleepy girl.

"Oh my.. how did you even know? I was feeling all sad last night cause I knew I'd forgotten to tell you." Trixie said, tears of happiness threatening to spill.

"Well, first time I met you so said your age was almost twenty-one. I wondered how soon your birthday was, so I looked up on Facebook." Katya replied.

"Well, I'm so happy you did. This is amazing!"

"It is not all, there is other surprise." Katya said as she ran into the hallway, returning with a large wrapped box. "I got this for you. I am hoping you will want to wear it tonight, on date.. with me." She added nervously as she gave it to Trixie.

"A date? Really?" Trixie asked with a bright smile.

"If you want to.." The Russian replied shyly.

"Of course I do!" Trixie replied, leaning over and placing a soft kiss on Katya's lips before unwrapping the gift, opening the box and lifting the pink dress out with tears in her eyes.

"You are sad? I messed up, I am sorry." Katya spoke, very disappointed in herself.

"No, I'm just very very happy. It's perfect, it's the most beautiful dress I've ever seen. Thank you so much." The young girl said as she held the dress up to her chest, in awe at it's simplistic beauty. 

They ate the goods on the tray together, taking their time as conversation flowed effortlessly. The two women then decided against having class that day, instead spending the day watching bad movies on Netflix and laughing at their ridiculousness, before going off to prepare for their date.

Katya stood nervously at the bottom of the staircase waiting for Trixie. She was wearing a formfitting, short, red dress, a sexier choice than what she'd usually wear, hoping it would capture the young girl's attention. Her eyes were painted in beautiful shades of blue and purple, a crystal delicately placed on each inner corner, and her lips painted in her signature red lipstick. She'd even put on heels for the occasion, a black pair with strings traveling up her legs like the ribbons of a pointe shoe. 

When Trixie finally emerged Katya felt as if all air was knocked out of her body, all her attention on the stunningly gorgeous blonde who's long hair fell in delicate vintage curls, surrounding her face like a halo. The dress fit Trixie like a glove, the girl's small waist highlighted and her round breasts pushed up, layers of tulle flowing beautifully from her wide hips. It made her both look innocently beautiful and incredibly sexy at the same time.

Trixie's face was painted with intricate makeup. Bold eyeliner and false lashes surrounded her eyes, her lips painted a light shade of pink, and contouring carving out the lines of her face. Even tho it was a lot, it somehow made perfect sense on Trixie. She looked more like a doll then she ever had, and Katya could not imagine anything more fitting. 

"Wow... you look... you look like most beautiful woman in the world." Katya said as the young girl reached the bottom of the staircase. 

"Thank you. You look sexy as all hell." Trixie said with a sultry look that made Katya want to push her against the wall. 

"Uh..Ehm.. thank you." She replied, stumbling over her words nervously.

"Don't go all shy on me now, Miss Zamolodchikova." The brown-eyed girl said with a laugh as she kissed the Russian's cheek lightly.

Katya felt completely paralyzed, all confidence suddenly out the window as she took the girl's arm to lead her out the door. Trixie was an all new world, a new beginning, a new adventure, and one that scared Katya as much as she wanted to explore it.
Crossing over the red line and diving into temptation as sweet as honey would take bravery, but she was addicted to the feelings she had around Trixie and she needed them to stay.
She wanted to call the girl hers and only hers, and tonight would decide if that would come to be. Trixie had come into her life like an unstoppable train, she was impossible to resist falling for, and now Katya was caught under the spotlight, her heart beating out of her chest as she prepared herself to ask a question that could either send the other blonde into Katya's arms or make her pack up and leave. 

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