Chapter 16: A Chance At Greatness

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"Katya, I can't do this. I'm gonna mess up, and I'll embarrass you and.."

"Trixie, you can. Just dance, forget everything else and dance. Trust abilities and let go of all distracting thoughts." Katya told the nervous ballerina, placing a soft kiss to the girl's cheek before walking into the studio where a strict woman was waiting.

Trixie followed behind her, the sound of her nervous steps amplified by the hard tips of her pointe shoes hitting the floor. The young doll knew that this was her chance to shine, possibly the biggest opportunity of her life and if that wasn't enough pressure; she now also had to prove good enough to have Katya's name on her back.

"Eva Johnson, meet Trixie Mattel." Katya said simply before taking her seat at the front of the room next to the guest and readying a camera so she could film the audition.
A table was placed in front of them so Mrs. Johnson had a surface to rest her paper on as she took notes, and Trixie suddenly felt as if she was three years younger, auditioning for lead roles at the academy showcase, hoping she would grab the attention of scouts.

"Nice to meet you miss Mattel, please take your spot." Eva spoke, gestering towards the open floor.

"Likewise, Mrs. Johnson, and thank you for this opportunity." Trixie said, trying to act calm despite already feeling as if she had been tossed aside, for in the eyes of Mrs. Johnson she saw the same look that she'd seen for years, a look of disdain.

That look was all it took for Trixie to be transported back to the academy, wishing that the earth itself would swallow her up so she'd be free of further humiliation. Not only was judgement shining in the woman's eyes, but Trixie could almost see Mrs. Johnson's mind creating insults to degrade her.

The young dancer took her spot, striking her opening pose as if nothing was wrong. She was stronger now than she had been at the academy. She was Katya's student afterall, the only student of the legendary Katya Zamolodchikova, and she would prove her worth. In her head, Trixie replayed what Katya had told her when they first started their training;

"..because you do not look like average ballet dancer, you must work twice as hard to achieve half as much Understand? It is brutal truth, and you either accept it or no. The world will not change for you, Trixie. There will always be a thousand girls who fit their standards and are just as good as you, and the industry will chose them unless you are a hundred times better."

She focused her mind on that, and right before the music started, she whispered;

"I will be a hundred times better than them."

And then she was off, moving gracefully as if she was a flower pedal floating in water, or a leaf dancing in the wind. Her technique flawless as she danced Giselle's variation effortlessly. She leaned into each balance and extension, spun as if the air was guiding her in her turns, every movement was precise and yet playful, her dancing seeming as if it was her most natural way of communicating.

Katya smiled as she watched the young girl, not doubting her decision to train her for even a second. Mrs. Johnson was a fool if she didn't take her, the Russian thought. Of course her love for the girl caused her to be even more proud, but even without it she'd without a doubt name Trixie as one of the best dancers she had ever seen.

She was practically perfect, a word Katya never used to describe any dancer, and yet it seemed like the only word appropriate for the doll. Even the most difficult and grueling parts of the choreography seemed undemanding now for the young ballerina.

Trixie entered the last turn sequence, twirling around the room in a perfect circle with a large smile on her face, reminiscent of that of a young child mastering a skill for the first time. Katya thought that there could be no greater execution of the variation, and as the doll landed in her final pose the Russian held back the need to applaud the performance.

"Thank you, Trixie. You may leave the room and I'll discuss with Katya." Mrs. Johnson said politely, her expression saying nothing about her thoughts on the girl's performance.

"Thank you." Trixie said softly, trying to mask how breathless and tired she was as she walked gracefully out of the room, closing the door behind her.

A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates lately, but I'm now back♡ I've also got a new original story out called The Perfect Medicine. I've chosen to release it as a non-Trixya book after listening to feedback, but I hope you'll still consider checking it out.

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