Chapter 9: A Growing Bond

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The movie night had ended as a marathon of all of the girls' favorite movies, and to their shared surprise they'd discovered that they actually liked a lot of the same films, with the exception of one of Katya's favorite movies; Contact. Trixie didn't hate it, and she did admit that Jodie Foster was exceptional in it, but she did hate the way the Russian could not stop talking about it. Well, at least she pretended to hate it, in truth she found Katya's passionate rambling about the film to be surprisingly cute.

Now they had reached the end of Silence Of The Lambs which they both enjoyed a lot, but which also had them laughing and slapping eachother's thighs because of one ridiculous line which they could now not stop saying.

"Say it again! You impersonate perfectly." Katya told Trixie joyfully.

"Stacy, did Frederica ever mention a man named Jamie Gumb or Jame Gumb?" Trixie started to say, trying her best not to fall into a fit of laughter.

"What about a John Grant?" They both said at the same time before holding hands as they screamed in laughter.

"God, that really will never stop being funny to me." Trixie said when they had calmed down again.

"It is hilarious, so strange, in best way possible." Katya replied.

"Kinda like you." The young doll dared to say with a slightly flirty tone, it wasn't the best line but it worked well enough because Katya suddenly got uncharacteristically quiet.

"I am strange in best way possible?" The Russian finally asked with a shy smile.

"Yeah, and hilarious, and talented, and sexy, and gorgeous, and completely out of my league, but I'll enjoy your attention while it lasts." Trixie said with a laugh as she raised her glass in the air before taking a sip.

"You think I am out of your league? Trixie, you look like pin-up girl from the 50s, I am sure people would kill to date you. You are funny, smart, and very talented ballerina with huge potential." Katya said, finding the very idea that Trixie thought that the Russian was out of her league absurd.

"I'm a failed ballerina who had to beg a world star to get training.." Trixie said, staring down at her hands, not able to focus on the compliments and instead diving into the dark hole in her brain that told her that she would never be good enough.

"Listen, кукла. You are very talented, and yes, you did beg, but that is proof that you care. It is proof that this is life you want. You did not give up, that is most important part." Katya told her sincerely, smiling a little as the girl slowly started to lift her head again.

"Do you really think that I can do this? That I can become a ballet dancer?"

"You already are a ballet dancer. Do I think you will get job? Yes. Many will deny you because they are stupid, but I think you will get job. The more I train you, the more I believe that. You are getting excellent technique, better than most, and you have something special. You have fire, a.. what is the words.. burning passion, and you express that. If people can look past their silly idea of what being dancer is, then you will be a star." The Russian told the young dancer.

A crystal tear sparkled in the light from the chandelier as it traveled down Trixie's soft cheek, the girl endlessly thankful to not only be around someone she was getting increasingly interested in, but someone who truly and firmly believed in her.

"Thank you, no one's talked to me like that since I left home. My instructors believed in me before I hit puberty, but no one other than my mom believed in me that much. I really needed to hear that." Trixie said honestly, leaning against Katya's shoulder, smiling at how much closer the night had made then when the Russian's arm went comfortably around her.

"Trixie, what is your family like? I realize, I do not know much about you. Not your family, where you are from, these types of things.."

"Oh, well I'm from Milwaukee originally, and it's really just me and my mom, dad died before I was born. I had a stepdad at one point. He was an asshole. Luckily he ran off once I got old enough to realize that normal people don't hit their partner. And what else...? Well, my grandpa I were close when I was little. He taught me guitar, we used to sit on his front porch and sing and play all day long, but then he passed away when I was nine. My mom did everything she could for me, she's always wanted to give me the world. I used to dance around the living room with my arms up in the air like a ballerina all day long after I saw Swan Lake once on TV. I just instantly fell in love with the idea of being a dancer, so mom worked three jobs to pay for my ballet lessons. My stepdad hated her for it, the asshole wanted all that money to go into his pocket. Life at home back then... well it was chaotic to say the least. But everything was good when I walked up the steps and through the narrow hallway to the small ballet studio in town. I felt safe there... free... I put all my emotions into dancing and after a while my teacher suggested that I should apply for the academy. My stepdad was already gone by then, and my grandpa had passed so my mom decided to use her inheritance to pay for me to travel and train in New York. And well, that's pretty much it. I've been at the academy ever since, never really having any spare time or money to go see her." Trixie told the other woman.

"It sounds like quite difficult life, I am sorry, I thought you had much easier life growing up. It does explain a lot of the passion in your dance, clearly you had that from beginning. Your mother sounds lovely also, true supportive loving mother." Katya said, feeling guilty for not ever considering that Trixie might also have had a tough upbringing.

"It's okay, I don't really like talking about the bad stuff, so you couldn't have known. But yeah, my mom's amazing."

"You miss her a lot, no?" Katya asked.

"Yeah, I miss her alot. I'm also kinda scared of disappointing her, you know? I just don't wanna return home without knowing that her investment payed off..." Trixie said with a concerned tone.

"You will not disappoint her, you will get job and show her that she made right decision." The Russian promised.

"Thanks, I really hope so." Trixie replied before snuggling closer to the other woman, never wanting the warm arm around her to disappear.

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