Chapter 6: A New Normal

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"Thank you for helping me bring my stuff over, Katya. And of course, thank you again for letting me stay here." Trixie said as Katya rolled her suitcase into one of the guestrooms. It was spacious and beautiful, light blue walls, a large window with a ballet barre in front of it, light wood floors, and a huge, comfy bed.

"It is no problem, like Bob say, it will be practical." Katya said, a little awkwardly.

"Well thanks again, you're really surprisingly sweet. Now, I'm feeling all gross, is there any place I could take a shower?" The young girl asked sweetly. Katya cursed herself for the images of the girl that appeared in her mind from the request.

"Ehm, yes, there is bathroom down the hall. I will show you." Katya said.

Trixie picked up her raspberry scented shampoo and followed behind the Russian woman to the bathroom that was straight down the hall from her room.

"Here you go." Katya said, opening the door to reveal a bathroom that looked like it came straight out of a hotel commercial. It was ridiculously large, was tiled with red and black tiles, and had a bathtub that looked like it was half the size of Trixie's room at the motel.

"Thanks." The girl said before stepping inside.

Trixie stripped herself of all her clothes and stepped under the large rain shower head, massaging her sore muscles and cleaning her hair thoroughly. In a room nearby Katya sat on her bed, obsessively organizing her dance wear, and trying her best not to think about the stunningly gorgeous girl who was very naked in her house.

"Katya!?" Trixie yelled suddenly, which pulled Katya's mind out of the gutter and instead made her very worried.

The Russian ran down the hall to the bathroom and pulled the door open in fear, only to find Trixie out of the shower, her sinful curves on full display, and water droplets traveling down her tanned skin. Katya's eyes widened as she took in the angelic sight that she was certain she was not meant to see, especially as Trixie let out a loud scream.

"Sorry, sorry, боже мой, sorry." Katya said panicked as she exited the room and closed the door.

"I-it's okay. It-it was my fault." Trixie said from the other side of the door.

There was silence for a couple moments, both women blushing deeply and trying to calm their heartbeats. Trixie felt embarrassed, but her body also felt warm after seeing that even tho Katya had been shocked, her eyes had grown dark and lustful. After hearing so many people criticize her body, it felt good to be looked at like that, especially by someone as gorgeous as Katya.

"Ehm.. what did you need? Why you scream for me?" Katya asked.

"Oh, it's kinda ironic now. I was gonna ask where the towels were." Trixie said.

"Oh... yes, that is little bit ironic." The Russian replied with an awkward laugh. "I forgot to bring to you, sorry, they are in closet here in hallway. I will go get one." She added before quickly heading over to the storage room and getting a large fluffy white towel for the girl.

"Here you go." Katya said, closing her eyes and holding the towel out in front of her. Seconds later she felt a hand grab the towel before she heard the bathroom door close again.

"Thank you so much, sorry for scaring you." Trixie said as she stepped out of the bathroom, her dirty clothes in hand and the towel wrapped tightly around her curves, just barely covering her most intimate areas.

"No problem, sorry for walking in while you were... exposed..." the Russian replied, scratching the back of her neck.

"That's okay, you couldn't have known." The young girl said with a light pink blush as she noticed the way the Russian eyes were flicking from her lips, to the swell of her breasts, and down to where the towel ended high up on her thighs.

"I can take dirty clothes, you should go get dressed." Katya said, taking the pile of clothes from the girl, and hoping that the girl would go put on clothes, despite the fact that Trixie in only a towel was a gorgeous sight.

"Oh yeah, I should, and thank you, again." Trixie said before going back to her room, butterflies flying around in her stomach as she closed the door, her mind replaying the memory of Katya's heated gaze over and over again.

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