Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I will never complain about sloshing cloths again. Bare assed is the worst. We had to run home, and sneak through Elliotts window completely nude. Not to mention the thunder and lightning. The guys blamed me but come on we all fell for it. Completely fell for it, they got us. My phone chimed shortly after making it to my room. I opened it reading a text from Nix. "Gotcha." was her reply. Zeke found it hilarious that we fell for it so easily. Elliott loaned him cloths and we called it a night knowing Zeke and I were going to be made fun of relentlessly tomorrow at school. Zekes phone chimed, he opened it laughing as he showed me a picture Marie snapped of our bare butts jumping off the dock. Marie also said it was her screen saver.

We hang out for a while just talking about school and upcoming projects as we wait for sleep to take us. He is really sweating the heritage project. He explains the packet that I was too lazy to read. It sounds tough, especially if one tried on their own. I secretly pray Nix and I can work on it together. Zeke tells me about how Nix is champion in 4-H with her dog. He tells me about the Competition last year when her and Job did a freestyle routine and smoked the competition with her choreography. He finds a video on YouTube and we watch and laugh at the amusing skit they did. I guess Marie competes too. Her and Marie are close friends, but Nix doesnt interact much in crowds. He shows me a picture of her and Nix smiling wide with their dogs. Nix frequently takes Grand Champion where Marie normally comes in a solid second place. Nix took state champion this year based off a trophy she holds proudly in the photo. According to Zeke that's a huge deal. I cant help but be proud of her. He tells me funny stories of all the mischief her and James used to get into. According to him she used to be quite a partyer. We have that in common.

We decide to turn in as he heads to crash in the guest bedroom. I toss and turn not being able to get comfortable without Nix. Zayes is in my head craving Red making me need Nix in my arms so much more. I grab my phone, texting her. "You awake?" I ask. She doesn't reply fast enough for my liking, so I get out of bed finding Nana in her usual late-night spot. She sits in her rocking chair holding Grandpas and my moms picture. She sings them a tune I have never heard her sing before.

Today today Ill see you I pray

For my eyes have lost their color

Forever my love I will never stray

For my soul begins to wash away

Today today Ill see you I pray

The end is finally near

Tonight, we will be together my dear

She breaks in a sob struggling to continue. I run out the door. I cant take it. I hate seeing nana so broken. I flee out the door thankful to see the rain has stopped and the moon and stars have found their way through the clouds. I bang on Nixs window. She stirs in her sleep. How does she sleep so sound? I check her window its unlocked. I crawl in Job wagging his tail. Terrible guard dog. I shake Nix awake and remember to duck.

"Evan?" She asks groggy. "Whats wrong?" She asks rubbing her eyes.

"Can Red fix Nana?" I ask.

"Fix what?" She asks trying to wake up.

"Her grief." I state.

"Probably." She says stretching.

"Can you try?" I ask hopeful.

"Of course." She climbs out of bed and my mouth waters. I really like her pajamas. She grabs a pair of shorts and tugs them on over her under-ware. She yanks a shirt over her head. "Close your mouth Evan." She says using her finger to shut my gaping jaw. Her voice is groggy and sexy with sleep. I throw her in the bed.

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