Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

I slept on the plane and dreamed of Nix. I couldn't see anything. She is surrounded by darkness. Her body hurts, it feels broken and defeated. She is without clothes. She trembles cold in her bra and panties. She isn't afraid, like I thought she would be, she is furious. Red soothes in her mind, but she tells her to stay out of it. The best chance they have is that her captures know nothing of who hides inside. She is missing a fingernail that I can tell by her mind she left in someone's neck. That's my girl, give them hell. She screams beating on a box she's shut in. She pushes the pain away refusing to be weak. She is proving mind over matter is indeed possible. Despite my fear I am proud.

"Shut up before I come in there and shut you up!" A man yells. I feel her lips stretch.

"Oh, I wish you would. Its kind of lonely in here," she purrs thinking over fifty-three different ways to kill him. Some are hard to watch.

"Dont do it, Shes crazy." Another man says. "Shes already taken out enough of my men I cant lose another."

"Oh, come now, you cant be afraid of little old me. Those other guys just didnt like it rough that's all." She says faking innocents. I can see in her mind the men she had encounters with early. She had nearly escaped against eight men. She was tazerd twice before going down. Her fingers pass over the box looking for a weak spot. I don't recognize the texture. Its not wood. frustrated she hits the box.

"She cant be that bad," he says. A sliver of lights shines in the box blinding her momentarily. Her hand darts out of the box grabbing his throat. She leans in biting it ripping a chunk out when he hits her on the head. She upper cuts him leaping from the box. Shes on a boat. She snaps his neck smiling with her chin dripping in blood. Red screams at her in her mind begging her to stop, but she ignores her. The other man approaches but she makes no hesitation in leaping after him. Her hands move too quick for me to see exactly what she did, but he isnt getting back up. She runs full force for the water. NO! I scream as she plummets off the side. A tall man, slightly older than me, in a black suit catches her by the waist injecting her in the neck with something. She falls weak in his arms. She is still awake but laughing.

"I hate you. You know, that right?" She asks in a way that turns my stomach. Sure, doesn't sound like she hates him.

He looks down his nose looking at her through coal eyes. "It is a fine line between love and hate, doll," he offers her a small smile. He shifts her back and forth between his arms shrugging his jacket off and on her. He buttons it up hesitating to run his finger between her breasts.

"I'm going to kill you," she giggles completely limp in his arms. She snaps her teeth at him. He smiles wide reveling sharpened teeth. "I'm going to enjoy it," she laughs harder. What is wrong with her?

He kisses her forehead and winks. "I'll look forward to your attempts, kitten." He drops her in a limp heap carefully in the silver box re sealing the lid. her laughter echoes hauntingly in the box.

"What part of dont open the box do you guys not comprehend?" he asks to a man I didnt see on the boat. "Dump the bodies. We will be there soon. If anything happens to her, I will kill all of you. Understand?"

"Yes sir," a man with a deep voice answer.

I try to call to Nix in her mind. Nix? Baby Im coming for you. Its ok, Ill be there soon. Do you know where you are?" I ask. She laughs louder.

I'm in a box Evan, on a boat in a box." she sings. "Did you happen to see a bathroom? I really need to pee."

"You ok? You dont sound like yourself."

She giggles. "I am going to kill them all." she says before falling asleep.

I snap my eyes open. "She's in a box on a boat!" I yell startling everyone on the plane. Frank grabs his laptop trying to connect the pieces. "She is weird guys she is acting crazy." They all share a knowing look before looking away from me. "What?" I ask over the chopper. Linda waves away my question.

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