Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

School is a buzz with excitement everyone is talking about the party tonight. Phoenix has agreed to ride with me and be my "secret" date. I am distraught to report there have been no more stolen kisses, however our relationship seems to be steadily progressing. We pass notes often and I continue to flirt shamelessly. Tyler and her seem to be on good terms again as he continues to throw his arm over her anytime a guy so much as looks at her. I keep telling her I can take over that job, but she wont have it. Tiffany and many other girls have attempted to get my affections that I have shot down with little thought. All my affections are being saved for a particular Cherry haired blue-eyed tease. My dreams are getting stranger, everyone the golden eyed "Red" talks to Zayes, no one ever replies. My dreams wake me up frequently and keep me up at night. Its never taken much sleep to keep me going but I desperately need a nap, twenty minutes would do me wonders. A crumpled ball of paper hits the side of my head. I look up to see Nixs smiling face on the other side of math class.

You ok? You seem drained today. Not flaking out on me, tonight, are you?

Sorry, just tired, been up all night trying to figure out how to get you to kiss me again. Id never flake out on you. Ill just catch a nap after school before I pick you up. You ridding home with me?

Lol, thats what you plot about? I was planning on it, Nana actually told me to come over today after school, mind if I just ride home with you?

Not really, just sounds better than the things you did to me in my dreams were so amazing I couldnt go back to sleep. If thats what you want to hear though I can definitely give you a manuscript. ;) Oh baby trying to come home with me already?

Shut up hoe.

Oh baby, dominatrix stuff, to be honest I could see you being into that.

I watch her open it and cant hide the smile at her reaction. She meets my eyes giving me a mocking look. I give her a kissy face. Tyler sees it and gives me a thumbs up. He seems to be, rooting for me. He starts doing a weird make out gesture that causes me to chuckle. Nix looks at him and slides his phone off his desk landing in his lap. I cringe that hurt. She looks back over to me and mouths "youre next." I smile mouthing "promise." She nods looks at the clock and holds up 10 fingers, then nine all the way down I'm confused until the last one drops and the bell rings simultaneously. She jumps from her desk scaling the first one of three in between us my eyes widen; I grab up my backpack and run just narrowly escaping her ferocious grasp. I race past innocent bystanders pulling them between Nix and I and slide around a corner before I remember that I want to be caught. I pull myself quickly against the cement wall barely before she comes around the corner. Going too fast for her to stop I reach out grabbing her and slam her to my chest, spin her, and pin her between the wall and myself. Her hands dart out, but I was expecting that so was easy to catch them and contain both of her delicate wrist in one of my hands above her head. I raise her up the wall to be level with my face using my knee to hold her up fully. I lean into her neck breathing in her perfume. "Caught you." I whisper in her ear.

"Did you though?" She asks before she uses the support my body gave her to spin, kick off the wall sending me off balance enough for her to somehow, still not sure how, catch me in a really good headlock. With her piggy-back style on my back. "Mwahahaha I win!" I shrug my shoulders. I could get out easily but why in the world would I want to? I start walking off her still on my back.

"You need to go to the locker or straight to the car?" I ask still carrying her.

"Cars good." She whispers in my ear before giving me a wet willie.

"Ehh" I shriek. "What is wrong with you? I hear out of that!" She shakes with laughter.

"This is going to sound strange, but I never realized how tall you are. How tall are you?"

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